My first real PED cycle has just finished. I am pleased with the results and am gratefull for the information and assistance I received here. Thank You!!!
I ran an eight week cycle
75 mg TEST P/day
50 mg MAST P/day
.25 mg Adex/eod
PCT was four weeks of Nolva, standard dosing protocols. Followed by Alpha Male, which I am on my third day…
217 to 228
Lost a half inch on waist.
Olympic style back squat went from 420x3 to 505x4
Grappling/BJJ endurance was improved
In short it worked as advertised. Sorry for not being very percise with my details. I am a bit lazy in those matters.
All I can really add is that the MAST made me feel warm all of the time. Accompanied by night sweats ect. ect… The TEST P presented NO issues at all.
This spring I will have another go around. Possibly upping the TEST P dosage a bit and adding some TREN ACE. In conclusion; The muscle I gained has been quality, lean muscle that I have retained the overwhelming majority of. Now into my first week after finishing PCT.
Nice. One question how do you know it is was the Mast which caused your warmth and night sweats. Further if you had those problems with Test and Mast then adding Tren Ace to the mix could be threwing gas on a fire. Also Tren Ace could potentially impact your BJJJ endurance
[quote]saps wrote:
Nice. One question how do you know it is was the Mast which caused your warmth and night sweats. Further if you had those problems with Test and Mast then adding Tren Ace to the mix could be threwing gas on a fire. Also Tren Ace could potentially impact your BJJJ endurance[/quote]
Yes! You guys are correct. I really do not know if it was the MAST and not in fact the TEST that caused my night sweats. I was under the impression that MAST was something of a thermogenic activator, so I assumed it was the culprit.
I have been told that running Tren ace along with MAST can help a great deal with Tren’s notorious reputation for “killing cardio”. I also expect that my night sweats will only get worse when adding Tren but in all honesty this was not that big of a deal and Tren is very tempting to at least try.
I am pleased that I finally took the plunge into the wild world of PED’s. Planning and experimenting with future cycles seems like it could be half the fun.
I was just curious because my last cycle, which was test only, I was hot. I didn’t have ‘night sweats’ in the sense that I believe most people mean, but I was very hot at night and during the day. I was sleeping naked with no covers.
[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
I was just curious because my last cycle, which was test only, I was hot. I didn’t have ‘night sweats’ in the sense that I believe most people mean, but I was very hot at night and during the day. I was sleeping naked with no covers.
Good work. [/quote]
Fuck I do that shit all the time anyways even during the winter (Texas winters anyways), well usually boxers, no sheets, maybe socks if its cold outside.
My normal body temp is literally in the range of 99.9-100.
Its fucking annoying, I believe I have an overactive thyroid.
Oddly enough Im not really bothered by tren, I did notice more sweating, but it wasnt crazy, and I didnt spontaneously burst into flames in my sleep…
Dont be TOO scared of tren, just be aware its probably the least comfortable drug.
[quote]Westclock wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
I was just curious because my last cycle, which was test only, I was hot. I didn’t have ‘night sweats’ in the sense that I believe most people mean, but I was very hot at night and during the day. I was sleeping naked with no covers.
Good work.
Fuck I do that shit all the time anyways even during the winter (Texas winters anyways), well usually boxers, no sheets, maybe socks if its cold outside.
My normal body temp is literally in the range of 99.9-100.
Its fucking annoying, I believe I have an overactive thyroid.
Oddly enough Im not really bothered by tren, I did notice more sweating, but it wasnt crazy, and I didnt spontaneously burst into flames in my sleep…
Dont be TOO scared of tren, just be aware its probably the least comfortable drug.[/quote]
Once again Westclock’s experience mirror’s my own exactly.
Also, how come so many of the guys I meet on this site are in or from Texas? I’m a Texas boy born and bred, and it seems like every time I turn around I find out another of us is, too (or “got there as fast as he could.”)
Nice cycle, btw, OP. Don’t be afraid to use the tren, next go-around!!! I’ll bet you’ll love it.