For those of you who’ve used trenbolone, what was your first experience like?
How bad did the sides get to you if at all?
For those of you who’ve used trenbolone, what was your first experience like?
How bad did the sides get to you if at all?
Got the tren sides fairly decent. Could get it up, but then had trouble finishing - almost like it went numb midway through the act. Was very frustrating, luckily my wife thought it was funny (she’s weird like that). Night sweats - I’m already warm natured so just made it worse, though I didn’t get it as bad as guys who report having to sleep on a towel. Already an insomniac, so again, just amplified. Killed my cardio, which bothered me the worst. I hate walking up a flight of stairs and feeling out of breath.
Put on some good weight, but soft. I was doing short (2 week) cycles, and the last one I did I adjusted my doses so it was high tren, high mast, low test and the sides all but disappeared. Cardio still sucked, but everything else was almost back to normal.
Probably won’t use it again, at least not for quite some time.
Noodle dick 7 days after injection - it sucked. Took me a while to get it back on the roll. Might try tren again with caber, but I am afraid it might not work and I have to fight against that crap again. Anyone had same experience, but then tried caber the second time and didnt get libido issues?
I am actually logging a cycle of test tren and drol right now.
Today marks the end of week 2. My tren e is dosed at 400mg a week. So far the only sides from the cycle I’ve had are sweating, insomnia, and some aggression. My dick is still functional and have no prob getting it up. Libedo is up as well. It is only week two… So we’ll see. This far every thing seems good
[quote]boatguy wrote:
Got the tren sides fairly decent. Could get it up, but then had trouble finishing - almost like it went numb midway through the act. [/quote]
This, sometimes worse than others.
This times a MILLION. At the time, I was sleeping on a couch (yep,) which was right near the window in the coldest winter I’ve ever experienced. Woke up every night drenched, and my sweat smelled like ammonia as well.
Interesting, I’m a diagnosed insomniac as well and I slept fairly well - but I do agree about the cardio to a certain extent.
Also -
I was extremely moody, it was almost manic/depressive-like. One day I’d be fine, the next day I’d be a mess, whether hostile / angry / sad / whatever. I did have some personal stuff going on, to be fair.
But I did look pretty goddamn good.
Currently on my first run of Tren (Acetate, 500-700mg / week).
My biggest side effects:
All in all, I think it’s a hell of a hormone.
Pretty good for me, Only low to begin with. With anything I take for the first week I get nightsweats, noticed that the days i pin i’ll feel warmer and more hostile/agitated. Strength and agression in the gym was well used, so long as you can focus it in the right places (i.e. not taking it out on others). No sexual sides aside from a little less libido (probs also because im pre-contest)
So the sweating only happens while sleeping?
I mean if I go to work will I be drenched in sweat sitting there in a climate controlled office?
[quote]Rapacious wrote:
Noodle dick 7 days after injection - it sucked. Took me a while to get it back on the roll. [/quote]
How long was it noodle dick?
I’ve heard a lot of guys experience a hyper libido effect.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
So the sweating only happens while sleeping?
I mean if I go to work will I be drenched in sweat sitting there in a climate controlled office?
Yeah my sweating was mostly relegated to sleeping.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
[quote]Rapacious wrote:
Noodle dick 7 days after injection - it sucked. Took me a while to get it back on the roll. [/quote]
How long was it noodle dick?
I’ve heard a lot of guys experience a hyper libido effect.[/quote]
I’ve heard both. The side effects of Tren seem to vary from person to person more than just about anything else. Some people love it, some hate it. Definitely drastic differences, particularly relating to libido.
You’re still researching for your first cycle, right? Are you considering incorporating Tren for your first cycle, or you just looking for information to potentially use later?
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]therajraj wrote:
[quote]Rapacious wrote:
Noodle dick 7 days after injection - it sucked. Took me a while to get it back on the roll. [/quote]
How long was it noodle dick?
I’ve heard a lot of guys experience a hyper libido effect.[/quote]
I’ve heard both. The side effects of Tren seem to vary from person to person more than just about anything else. Some people love it, some hate it. Definitely drastic differences, particularly relating to libido.
You’re still researching for your first cycle, right? Are you considering incorporating Tren for your first cycle, or you just looking for information to potentially use later?[/quote]
Currently on my first cycle. Just continuing to research other drugs.
My cycle:
250mg test C every 3 days
60mg Anavar/day for 4.5 weeks.
2 mg adex / week (I have a script)
14 weeks - then PCT.
So far LOVE the anavar. The test has made me really horny.
Based on how I feel thus far I see a test only cycle to be a waste. While I’m no vet, in my limited personal experience, I think most people are fine running 2-3 mild substances on their first go.
I think if I were to restart this cycle I would’ve added in a 3rd compound (masteron?).
Your first cycle is where you make the most gains, might as well make the most of it.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
Based on how I feel thus far I see a test only cycle to be a waste. While I’m no vet, in my limited personal experience, I think most people are fine running 2-3 mild substances on their first go.
you can make mad gains on test only mate. All the orals or whatever are just extra.
I generally run a gram of test and throw in the occasional oral here or there. You feel amazing and recover easily.
The problem with running more rather than less is that there’s less room to progress after. If you run a half dozen compounds on your first run, where will you be in a few years? You’ll be up at 5g of total oil with a ventricle the size of a baguette
[quote]Yogi wrote:
The problem with running more rather than less is that there’s less room to progress after. If you run a half dozen compounds on your first run, where will you be in a few years? You’ll be up at 5g of total oil with a ventricle the size of a baguette[/quote]
Wouldn’t this be more for the aggressive user who is routinely cycling?
I mean if I were to run 1 cycle per year and be on 3 months/year how much would I really need to up my doses annually?
I only had the sweating issues at night, that seems to be consistent with what I’ve seen from others.
Forgot to mention I had a pretty decent case of lethargy, to the point where I would almost try and talk myself out of hitting the gym (definitely would put off leaving on some days, to the point where I had to cut out some stuff from the end due to work schedule). Once I recognized it, I just made myself get going sooner.
Also, the low test/high tren approach helped avoid the libido issues for the most part. My drive was still a little lower than normal, but it was much better than when I was using equal doses.
rajraj, the point he was making is eventually you get to a point where it takes more and more to cause growth. Same as it does training naturally. Partly due to diminishing returns, pertly due to being at a heavier weight and it taking more stimulus to force your weight higher than your body would naturally want.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
[quote]Yogi wrote:
The problem with running more rather than less is that there’s less room to progress after. If you run a half dozen compounds on your first run, where will you be in a few years? You’ll be up at 5g of total oil with a ventricle the size of a baguette[/quote]
Wouldn’t this be more for the aggressive user who is routinely cycling?
I mean if I were to run 1 cycle per year and be on 3 months/year how much would I really need to up my doses annually?
yeah I suppose so. 1 cycle a year though, eh? I’ll be impressed if you manage to stick to that.
Mean as hell, sweat a ton, can’t sleep and when I do I dream of fucking zombies and shit yeah no fucking clue, dick stays hard 24/7 but takes the hardest poundings to cum for some reason which often just ends with me rollih over after 30-40 mins of intense fucking and gasping for air do to my cardio being horrible on it. Other than I love the stuff lol.
[quote]Yogi wrote:
[quote]therajraj wrote:
[quote]Yogi wrote:
The problem with running more rather than less is that there’s less room to progress after. If you run a half dozen compounds on your first run, where will you be in a few years? You’ll be up at 5g of total oil with a ventricle the size of a baguette[/quote]
Wouldn’t this be more for the aggressive user who is routinely cycling?
I mean if I were to run 1 cycle per year and be on 3 months/year how much would I really need to up my doses annually?
yeah I suppose so. 1 cycle a year though, eh? I’ll be impressed if you manage to stick to that.
I was considering doing a low dose of test year round and cycle annually.
The winter months really put me in a downward mood. I’m hoping the combo of test/Adex and vit D will improve my mood
[quote]boatguy wrote:
rajraj, the point he was making is eventually you get to a point where it takes more and more to cause growth. Same as it does training naturally. Partly due to diminishing returns, pertly due to being at a heavier weight and it taking more stimulus to force your weight higher than your body would naturally want.[/quote]
So what would be the best drug regimen to reach your genetic potential the quickest?
incrementally add and up drugs as needed?
It just seems to me that every big dude recommends the above, but most of them shoot the drug cocktail from the beginning.
“don’t use until you’re at least 25” - they started juicing at 18
“start with a test E only cycle at a moderate dose” - they used 3-4 drugs from the beginning
“only eat organic clean foods” - They ate Dominos and KFC daily for the first 2 years of training.
You guys get the picture.
700 mg test and 350 mg tren a. 8 weeks. Made sure to run arimidex higher than needed. Sweat a ton and insomnia. No sides besides that.