I am currently losing about 2 lbs a week before the introduction of cardio or Indigo.
My workout plan is based upon Dr. Hatfield’s bodybuilding book. But it is heavily influenced by Dorian Yates as well, and it has been further adapted to my recovery capabilities and the pre-competition diet I am doing.
The entire body gets trained in 2 weeks, I’m not going to go into detail about how I train in the off-season.
On the first Saturday I train Back, and it will be one of two workouts, either an A or a B workout, they are alternated every workout.
A Back: Pullover Machine 8x12 Not to failure- I have not yet figured out the right weight to do this yet, I need to lower it from what I am doing at the moment
Machine Rear Delt exercise 1x12 Not to failure
Deadlifts 1x12 Not to Failure - During the offseason I was doing this with 365, I'm currently using 320, though I could still go higher and am working on it
B Back- Pullover Machine 3x12 last set to failure
Bent-Over Barbell Rows 3x5 last set to failure
Rear Delt Machine 1x8-15 to failure
Deadlifts 1x12 Not to failure
Now you have seen the template, 3x12 and 3x5, it applies to all the B workouts.
Legs would then fall on the following Thursday.
A Legs 5x8 Squats- the last time I did this the weight was 405 going to parallel
Abs- Hanging Leg Raises- 8x 15
Standing Calf Raises- 8x12
B Legs- I often do the 12’s and 5 alternating, so 1 set of Seated Curls, then one set of leg extensions. Etc.
3x12 Seated Leg Curl
3x12 Leg Extension
3x5 Lying Leg Curl
3x5 Hack Squats
4x15 Calf Raise Machine, there is not enough weight on the machine, and the Smith Machines do not have safety catches on them. In the past with proper Smith Machines I can do a little over 700 lbs 8 or 9 times to failure.
Abs 8x15 Hanging Leg Raises
Abs and Calves are done alternating as well.
Next is Chest and it falls usually on the next Sunday.
A Chest 10x10 Pec Dec Machine - Any biceps involvement always gives me Biceps problems, can’t do flyes or anything like them. Recently tried 20 lbs for incline flyes, no good.
B Chest
1x8-15 Set Pec Dec Machine to Failure
3x5 Hammer Strength Decline Press
3x12 Hammer Strength Incline Press
Shoulders would then come on either Wed or Thurs
A 8x12 Rear Delt Lateral Machine
8x12 Side Lateral Machine
I have begun adding Calves and Abs to this workout, same as A Legs version.
B Shoulders
2x12 Rear Delt Lateral Machine
2x12 Side Lateral Machine Lateral Machine
3x5 Seated Dumbbell Press
Before each workout I have Brain Candy and Plazma. After each workout I have MAG-10.
Outside each workout I take a multi-vitamin with one of my fatty meals. I also take Cod Liver oil, CLA and soon I will be adding Omega-3s. And as I mentioned I have recently started taking Indigo.
Trends with losing weight: only recently did I learn that I did not need to add any sugary carbs when I took MAG-10, and since I cut that it was not unusual to drop a lb and a half after a workout day. During the period taking Indigo I mentioned that I increased my carbs, but it that weight loss trend continues after I drop carbs again after Indigo, I may have to increase my overall caloric intake, at least on workout days.