College Rugby Training


I’m entering a new league where I will no longer be the biggest guy on the pitch, the fastest,the strongest or the best conditioned. But I do listen to my coaches and work my ass off.

This past spring my season came to an abrupt end as I suffered a foot fracture and still feel some discomfort running on it. I was bummed that I couldn’t lead our rugby team to a NE Championship my senior year of high school.

But I intend to bring what I can to the table in hopes of being a starter as a freshman on my college’s rugby team. I also plan on competing in my first PL competition in a few months for a little bit of fun and as a good challenge.

Age: 18
Height: 5’9
Weight: 185 lbs.
Position: Flanker (Jumper) / Center
Squat: 315 ATG
Deadlift: 385 Conventional [NO STRAPS]
Bench: 205 (pathetic)


  • Number of reps changes weekly *
    High Reps —> Low Reps

DB Powerclean – 3 sets
Back Squat – 4 sets
DB Incline Press – 3 sets
SLDL – 3 sets
Cable Rows – 3 sets
DB Curl to Press – 3 sets


  • Plyometrics
    Power Hops – 3 sets x 10 reps
    Squat Jumps – 3 sets x 10 reps
    Bounding – 2 sets x 25 meters
    Power Skips – 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Conditioning
    4 sets x 400 meters (2 minute rest between sets)
    2 sets x 200 meters (1 minute rest between sets)
    2 stadiums

Deadlift – 4 sets
Bench Press – 3 sets
Lunges – 3 sets
Push Press – 3 sets
Chin-Ups – 3 sets


  • Plyometrics
    Power Hops – 3 sets x 10 reps
    Squat Jumps – 3 sets x 10 reps
    Bounding – 2 sets x 25 meters
    Power Skips – 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Conditioning
    20 minutes HIIT

DB Snatch – 3 sets
Front Squat – 4 sets
DB Decline Bench – 3 sets
Rack Pulls – 3 sets
Bulgarian Squats – 3 sets
CG Rack Lockouts – 3 sets

2 mile run
