My roommate, whose sister-in-law is a pharmacist, says that coke is healthier for you than orange juice, i personally believe that this is wrong, but I would like to know if anybody can enlighten me.
If coke is indeed healthy at all, let alone healthier that OJ, I would like to know about this, I still won’t drink it, but maybe this will cause me to drink less of the evil orange juice that currently plagues my fridge.
Well I don’t see how. I know they both have a shitload of sugar. But coke’s loaded with Phosphoric acid among others and a bunch of artificial lots of things including caffeine. But at least the OJ at least has Vit C and a quite a few other nutrients. I’m not sure where she’s comin from with that.
Interesting. I would rate coke worse than o.j but not by that much. Both are loaded with sugars that will signficantly raise your blood sugar so that’s why I advise people not to drink pop sodas and fruit juices.
WTF! Maybe she’s had too many zannies or something! Coke is full of high frutose corn syrup among other things, if you put a t-bone in a bowl of coke in two days the acids will dissolve the meat! Plus no vitamins in coke…OJ has vitamins and the sugars are frutose…although I’d only drink it pwo because the high GI or dump some benefiber in it…
No, I think she was on crack. but my knowledge isn’t good enough to argue this stuff yet, I am learning, but slowly. Like for instance, I have learned that I shouldn’t drink too much orange juice, which is something I never knew before.
one day, with the help of this site, I will be a physical and mental behemoth.
just not yet.
Both have a similar amount of calories and cause a similar insulin spike. And there are times when that is beneficial!
If you like coke, drink it alongside your post-workout protein. It may not be the absolute best bodybuilding meal around, but after training would be an ideal time to ‘cheat’ with coke. Jay Cutler does it (I know, he’s on so much gear, it barely matters what he eats, but still).
Deanosumo the cokelover.
I read somewhere that JB said high fructose corn syrup does not help replenish glycogen stores so I don’t see how even pwo it would be helpful. But maybe I’m wrong.
High Fructose Corn Syrup has to be broken down into Glucose in the Liver and when the liver gets its full of gluscose it signals the body to store the rest… as fat. At least in total theory and some practice. Its the reason you here many top performance nutritionists say not to have much fruit during training or for that matter any at all near comp days.
If you like coke, drink it alongside your post-workout protein. It may not be the absolute best bodybuilding meal around, but after training would be an ideal time to ‘cheat’ with coke. Deanosumo the cokelover.[/quote]
i would have to disagree. if you’re going to cheat and have coke, definately DON’T waste your extremely valuable workout and immediately PWO time for shit food like coke. it’s full of fructose, 80% or more of the sugar is fructose. this will go straight to your liver filling it up, if it wasn’t full already. NOT to your muscles where you really need it. that is a waste of calories. drink something with sucrose or surge with even simpler sugars. save the coke for some other time. or throw it away like most people have done on this site!
Besides what everyone else has already said, which I agree with, I have heard that O.J. is more acidic and eats away at the enamel on your teeth more than Coke. However, this by no means, makes Coke better for you than O.J. So perhaps this is what she was talking about??
I’m thinkin’ that Jolt Cola + aspirin is 2/3rds the ECA stack. Plus it has almost as much sugar and slightly less carbs than Coke. This combination has to beat out both Coke and OJ. I’m further thinkin’, due to these properties, this combination must be good as a pre- or Post-WO drink. And possibly good for breakfast and last meal of the day.
[quote]Ghostrider_81 wrote:
Besides what everyone else has already said, which I agree with, I have heard that O.J. is more acidic and eats away at the enamel on your teeth more than Coke.[/quote]
Have to disagree there. Coke is more acidic than OJ. Not to oversimplify it, but Coke will clean a green penny because its acidic content is so high, whereas OJ will not. Lemon juice will however…
Neither has that much “acid” in it if you eat real food as well as brush your teeth.
Its when you guzzle soda or juice all day and don’t brush your teeth you have to worry. If you are doing that, I serioulsy doubt you will care if it makes you fat or increases performance any.
Dear Chefx, and all others who think that your teeth are isolated in your mouth and brushing them will help save them from sugar: NOTE: your teeth are affected by the sugar in your blood, not just the acid and sugar in your mouth. if you eat sugar, it will affect your teeth, brushing or not.
here’s an interesting point. yes, OJ and Coke are both an acid when you test them outside the body. BUT orange juice is actually alkalizing on the body. If you still believe the acid/alkaline body stuff, here’s an article that tells about it.
citrus fruits actually are alkaline. meats are acidifiying (if you buy that whole line of reasoning). coke, while an acid, acts in a different way on the blood and i’m not exactly sure what happens. the phosphoric acid is rumored to affect the bones because they leach calcium out to neutralize this strong acid in the blood. but some say it’s neutralized in the gut and doesn’t affect the blood. i DON’T know the overall affect of Coke on the body.