Hello everyone, looking for some feedback on my first cycle. I’m going to be running Test-E 500mg a week split between two pins, one on Monday and one on Thursday. I also plan on front loading 750mg on my first pin. Unfortunately I’ll only be able to run this cycle for 8 weeks as opposed to 12 or more because I have to return to the states in mid May. I want to make sure I will be able to get the most out of it in the short time I will be running it so I figured I’d look to some experienced members to tell me if I’m on the right track.
As far as AI’s go, I will be running .5mg of Arimidex EOD while on cycle, I have enough on hand to get me through the 8 weeks with some left over.
PCT will be Nolva and Clomid for four weeks starting two weeks after my last pin.
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 100/75/75/50
Additionally I will be taking 50mg proviron every day while on cycle to boost free test levels.
I wanted to see if anyone had experience with taking Clen while on a Test-E cycle and if they saw positive benefits from it. I have been considering running Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off while on to mitigate any fat gain and I’ve heard that Clen can also help build muscle. What I would run is as follows:
Day 1: 20 mcg
2: 40 mcg
3: 60 mcg
4: 80 mcg
5: 80 mcg
6-12: 100 mcg (depending on side effects)
13: 80 mcg
14: 60 mcg
then two weeks off and repeat.
Another thing I wanted to hear some opinions on was whether of not HCG was absolutely necessary for transitioning into PCT? I have heard some people use it and some people don’t, what are the pro’s and con’s of using HCG? Will I be alright if I don’t use it and just stick to my PCT of nolva and clomid I already outlined above?
My current stats are as follows:
Age: 24
Height: 6’1"
Weight: 202lbs
BF: 12-15%
Training history:
Consistently for the last four years at least five days a week, the past four months I have been using Wendler’s 5/3/1 with the boring but big accessory plan. I plan to continue using this training plan throughout the cycle and adding some accessory work in between heavy lifting days. I also do Jiu-Jitsu about 3 days a week.
Bench: 275lbs
Squat: 365lbs
DL: 450lbs
On cycle diet:
Shooting for 4000 calories a day with a 40/40/20 macro split.
400g protein a day
400g carbs a day
90g fat a day
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. If any additional information is needed to offer accurate advice please let me know and I’ll be happy to oblige.