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My source say’s that if you have Clomid or nolva you don’t need HCG . I also have a lot of the guy’s who are split between the two . Also my source say’s Sustanon 250 is just as good as Test Cyp. I told him he’s nuts and that the stuff is crap . Then again if I’m wrong let me know you guy’s are the pro’s .

Lets attack this one at a time:

My source say’s that if you have Clomid or nolva you don’t need HCG… The “need” for HCG is really personal and cycle specific. It would have been helpful for me in keeping my testes from completely shutting down during the 10week cycle I am about to finish up because of its length. However I did not have any and it should not effect my that greatly. Some one who runs a 2 weeker usually has no need for it either because it is so short that you wont shut down too hard.

I also have a lot of the guy’s who are split between the two… this again is more of a personal choice. Nolva has new studies behind it saying it is more effective on a mg to mg basis, but clomid is a very tried and true pct drug that many will never push aside. However if you have access to both then use them both. They do the same thing just through different path ways and the more angles you hit recover from the better.

Also my source say’s Sustanon 250 is just as good as Test Cyp…This depends on your money and your goals. If you don’t mind sticking yourself eod and using a lot of test I would say go with the sust. However if you only want to inject once or twice a week and want to stay at between 250-500mg test each week and want a cycle that will clear in a little less than a months time go with the cypionate.

My .02 hope this helps the debates to begin.

I’ll just second what darkangel said.

definitely Test enanthate or cypionate is the better way to go. If you need a shorter blend, just use prop ed or eod as well. Thats what I tell people - if the want sustenon I just say you mine as well just use test prop.

HCG has it’s time/place as it can be suppressive itself. Not to mention the desensitizing issues when excessive amounts of hcg are used. Ever since I’ve been using hcg for the 10 days leading up to pc therapy, I haven’t lost a single pound of muscle. Before I’d just run clomid for pct and would probably lose half of what I gained:(
Testosterone is testosterone. Period. It’s just the number of carbons that are attached to the steroid molecule that dictate it’s release. Which is why propionate will release much quicker than decanoate. For simplicity, I prefer to use enanthate or cypionate.



What does your dosing look like for your HCG protocol?? Your talking about the last 10 days of the cycle, or 10 days before starting on pct depending on the esters? Since shut-down occurs around 2-3 weeks would it be useful to do such a protocol on a 4-6 weeker? Thx.

I don’t need to repeat what the others have said on HCG. As for Clomid and Nolvadex, BOTH should be used. I find no reason why one should be choosen over the other, except for cost effective reasons… which to me is bullshit. Both chemicals are sold at a very decent price in respects to what they are NEEDED for and what they do.

Test is test is test is test… I keep saying. I still don’t understand why some people spend so much money on an engineered steroid like Sustanon. Test should NOT be expensive, and it should stay that way. Testosterone is one of the CHEAPEST chemicals you can get off the street.

Enanthate is not better than Cyp, or better than Prop, or better than Suspension, or vice versa, etc etc. One is not better than the other. Test is test. It is all based on personal preference and based on how your cycle is planned out. Some times you need longer acting esters, sometimes you need shorter ones. Good luck.

[quote]TwistedLocal wrote:

What does your dosing look like for your HCG protocol?? Your talking about the last 10 days of the cycle, or 10 days before starting on pct depending on the esters? Since shut-down occurs around 2-3 weeks would it be useful to do such a protocol on a 4-6 weeker? Thx.[/quote]

I start hcg 10 days prior to the esters clearing my system. Since hcg is inhibitory it wouldn’t make sense to run it when nothing else is suppressing you. This is why some advocate using it on the weekends after the 3rd week mark.
For a 4-6 week cycle, I personally wouldn’t use any. But that’s just me.