I know there have been many threads posted about CLA already, but I am interested in starting supplementing with extra CLA than what I get in Flameout already as I have heard from multiple sources that more might show a benefit. In any case, I was just wondering about you how use it, which brands work, which ones do you not like, cheapest, etc. Any and all information is appreciated. Thanks!
there’s a great supp. called abs+. Its chock full of CLA and green tea extract and it’s highly recommended by John Berardi. hope that helps bro
Have you ever used it? If so, what were your experiences with it?
IF you’re interested…google this:
forum low carb CLA experiment
Its a forum with people who have been using CLA supplementation for a long time (some in excess of 2 years).
All of them post changes noticed
Take CLAs with meals.
There are some CLAs which are pretty economical. If I remember correctly, Olympian Lab CLA is quite worth the buck
It is pretty useful, and definitely worth recommending.
You can also google Tonalin. It’s a ‘brand’ of CLA that is manufactured for second party repackaging by other vitamin manufacturers.
Thanks guys. So then, it would be worth it to invest in some CLA for fat loss purposes?
Yer why not.
ive heard mixed things to be honest. research shows that it can cause insulin resistance, which is definitely not worth temporary (possible) body comp changes
[quote]jzl1388 wrote:
ive heard mixed things to be honest. research shows that it can cause insulin resistance, which is definitely not worth temporary (possible) body comp changes[/quote]
God I hope not! I’ve been taking 6 grams CLA for close to 8 months now. I know my core/upper abs have trimmed down, but I’ve still got the stubborn lower back fat and fat on the lower abs that can be a sign on insulin resistance. Hmmm, wonder if there’s a connection there…?
that’s exactly my problem. i have very little fat to speak of on my abs but my back fat region is still a problem. this is why i don’t take cla, as most trainers tell me it won’t help my problem and can worsen it. best thing i can do is try to increase my insulin sensitivity with more weight training and proper carb type/timing
[quote]GeneticSynergy9 wrote:
Thanks guys. So then, it would be worth it to invest in some CLA for fat loss purposes?[/quote]
There are better cost effective supplements for this. I don’t see the need for additional CLA on top of Flameout.
Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil only
1g per 3g of Normal Fish Oil should see you right.
[quote]redgladiator wrote:
GeneticSynergy9 wrote:
Thanks guys. So then, it would be worth it to invest in some CLA for fat loss purposes?
There are better cost effective supplements for this. I don’t see the need for additional CLA on top of Flameout.[/quote]
In regards to Fish Oil, it IS most definately MORE is BETTER
interesting, never heard of primrose oil or borage oil? what are they touted to do?
also, i really agree with the fish oil, more is better
Type CLA into google or pubmed
Flameout has it, but in small quantities
[quote]300andabove wrote:
Type CLA into google or pubmed
Flameout has it, but in small quantities[/quote]
I usually do take Flameout, but have heard good things about extra CLA which is why I was wondering if I should add more to the mix…
And, beyond that, if anyone knew of a good, trusted source, since Biotest does not sell pure CLA.
Thanks for the advice so far though…
[quote]300andabove wrote:
Type CLA into google or pubmed
Flameout has it, but in small quantities[/quote]
I usually do take Flameout, but have heard good things about taking extra CLA so I was curious if others had heard things as well…
And beyond that, if anyone knows of a good and trusted source since Biotest doesn’t sell CLA by itself…
Otherwise, thanks for the advice so far!
When I was looking into CLA, I came across an article that mentioned 3.4gms per day to be the magic number… If I can find the study, I´ll edit in a link.
From memory it was run by an Italian man.
I personally use Met-rx CLA, which has that there Tonalin formula that was mentioned earlier.
Around 3 months consistent usage to yield results apparently.
As for what one guy said a few posts up, regarding causing insulin resistance problems, and his back fat etc. that is a new one to me, and would be very interested to see some info regarding that.
Here is a link that gives some more specifics about CLA.
If you end up getting more CLA by using borage oil then take it at the same time you take your fish oil. Because the GLA in the borage oil, while being good for you on its own, can do something interesting things to your cAMP levels when taken with fish oil. There is an article on here… “don’t kill the messenger”. Check it out.