cigarette smoking

I smoke about 4 to 5 cigs but i dont smoke until after my workouts. Im never winded when i lift and i feel fine when i do cardio but i was wondering if smoking will affect me other ways outside of the increased risk of cancer.

The risk of cancer isn’t motivation enough to quit??


…because the risk of cancer isn’t enough?

Oh, geez.

To even be ASKING this, means you have SOME idea of the risks of cancer. Use some common sense…

just the effects on my muscles.

It makes you look cool. Plus, all of your friends are doing it, so you may as well do it anyway. And life is short.

I’m with Slut. What’s the point of working out if you can’t have a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve of your t-shirt, anyway?

tme, that’s actually an excellent t-shirt idea.

“I’m with slut.” with an arrow pointing in one direction, kind of like “I’m with stupid -->”.

I have a bridge to sell…

Do a search on PubMed. Most people on here aren’t going to be very helpful with regards to such a nasty habit.

i’ve heard that smoking inhibits muscle growth

makes sence too considering what it does to blood flow

Nicotine is one of the most addicting drugs know to man, it is more addicting than crack cocaine or heroine. The average person that quits smoking will most likely resume within a two year period and the chances will increase after a life altering event such as a death in the family, end of a relationship etc. If you do decide to quite it will take 72 hours for withdrawl symptoms to subside, the rest is habit. I guess the question you need to ask yourself is why do you feel the need to smoke specifically after working out. This is where the habit is forming. You should really quite now before you get too involved into it and find it much too difficult to quite. You obviously know it is bad for you because you posted this question.

even the steroid guys are coming out to chastize you.

So, you look cool and you have developed some muscles…most women don’t like kissing ashtrays.

Smoking is disgusting.

I meant, “risks of cigarettes”, not “cancer”. My bad.

Gotta get my flaming right.

I’ve heard people say that nicotine is more addictive than crack before. Sounds like kind of a ridiculous statement. Compare the withdrawal symptoms between the two and tell me that nicotine is more addictive than heroine or crack. You don’t see people robbing, scamming, and prostituting themselves for nicotine do you? You can actually die during barbiturate withdrawal. Ever seen anyone drop dead from quitting smoking? Come on.

And yes, smoking can potentially hurt your cause with regard to muscles. Smoking is a risk factor for heart disease/atherosclerosis, which affects the vessels that supply your muscles (and everything else). Circulatory problems are the first thing that come to mind aside from cancer. Erectile dysfunction isn’t very cool either. Plus, lung cancer isn’t the only cancer that cigs cause: bladder, stomach, oral, esophageal (?), and many more.


The difference between nicotine addiction and crack addiction, heroin (yeah, there’s no last “e” … that makes it “heroine” which is the female form of “hero”) barbituates, etc. Is that you don’t have to whore yourself out/steal TVs/eat babies to get it. No, no, they sell nicotine for low low prices at every corner store. You can’t get away from it no matter how hard you try.

This is inherently different from, say, heroin or crack where, if you avoid certain people, isolate yourself, etc. you can avoid the temptation to do heroin.

So, by saying that Nicotine is more addictive than Crack, in certain ways, people may be right.

Dan “Pack a day for Two Years” McVicker