Just a few notes: First, TC and I are not the mods, although I help out sometimes. Second, Mufasa is very correct on the time prohibitive issue.
Just some FYI type stuff. The number one cause of deleted posts on this forum is when someone attempts to reply to a post and hits “Submit new message” instead. This leaves pointless, titleless posts hanging in space. These are deleted rather than left to clutter and confuse the forum. Even if mods know where they belong, it takes too much time to fix given the enormous amount of board traffic.
Posts are also deleted or edited if the poster tries to buy or sell steroids, or tries to leave his e-mail address for any reason. Some posts are zapped because they fall under the “customer service” guideline. In other words, their question or concern is better suited for either T-mag or Biotest customer service. Although Bill Roberts and other supplement formulators post here, you are not necessary speaking to Biotest when posting here. Sometimes if we get a lot of “How many servings of MAG-10 are in a bottle?” questions, we allow one to go through so it can be answered. But in reality, this should be deleted as the answer is already at Biotestedge.com and should be addressed to customer service by e-mail or phone if the person can’t find the info.
Someone who appears to be a troublemaker or troll is deleted as well. They may get by with it for a while, but the mods can spot patterns very quickly. Now, that’s not to say they don’t allow some “war of words” to go on for a while, but if one person can only contribute “Dude, ur a fuckin’ fag” to every question, the pattern will be spotted and he will be barred from posting, perhaps given another chance later, perhaps not.
Rarely, some posts are not allowed on because they make no sense. They just can’t be understood so they are zapped. Also, we sometimes get letters like “Why won’t you guys let my post on about leg exercises?” The truth is that for whatever reason (likely user error or computer trouble on the user’s end) we never received the post.
And yes, if you ever read a totally unmoderated board you will see how it will self-destruct in a few months with porn ads, flame fests, racism, trolls, steroid dealers trying to undermine one another by posting under a dozen different names, salesman trying to get you into their multi-level marketing “business” etc etc.
And finally, the mods don’t really have to moderate all that much here. Luckily, T-mag does not attract idiots. At least not many!