I finally went and checked out two local, very convenient and VERY different gyms this evening and was hoping for some advice on which to go with.
I have been on and off with gyms in the past and would like to finally settle down for a bit, get my shit togeter and hit the weights to help fix my messed up left shoulder (torn labrum from a few months back and i hoping nothing else ie torn rotator after the fact because i kept abusing it without strength the smaller muscles), get my posture on track and, of course, put on some muscle and get into healthy habits that i can continue with for the rest of my life (26 years old now).
My gut tells me as beginner i do not need much in the way of equpiment to make steady progress and my wallet tells me about 50 bucks for a gym is my current limit, so here it goes…
Gym #1 is actually a fitness room in a state park in my neighboorhood. Of interest, it has free weights, a lat pull down machine with attachments, a couple of adjustable benches olympic bar and plates and a serperate room with a bunch of stabilty balls and bromsticks. The vibe was chill with normal folks working out and it was very spacious.
It also has a huge olympic running track and astro turf right outside which i inagine would be pretty awesome to warm up on and do jogging should i want. the only thing that seemed like and issue was no squat rack or bench press and the lack of a back extension (although i could use the stabilty balls and some craft for these, i assume)and i do not remeber seeing a pull up bar (although realy, fat boy pull ups on the smith machine will prolly suffice until my shoulder is feeling better). All in all it reminded me of my high school weight rrom which i kind of like and the price is very right: $50 for 3 months!
Gym#2 was typical commercial gym with old, oudated and rocketed equipiment. it was cramped, crowded and full of EVERY sterotype i have ever read about on this site and others…Curls in the squat rack, women with sweatsuits on, guys squating in the smith machine while talking to their buddies, half the gym had on weight belts, groups of guys with the lat pulldown FULLY stacked and using their entire body to pull it partially down.
Actually, it was all pretty funny (i did not think this stuff really happens) really but on the plus they DO have a squat rack with pins, back extension some med balls and of course a bench press. It costs $50 bucks a month.
Okay, i think after writing this which of the two TYPES of gyms i’d rather go to (the one with an olympic track outside, tons of space and a chill vibe…Yeah, why not?) So i guess my question is, do i REALLY need a squat rack right now? is it so important to me, as a beginner that it is worth going to this other gym or should i say screw it, pull a Dan John and pull from the floor should i need too?
Let me know what you all think.