This is probably wrong sections, but i wasn’t sure where to put this. So, today i saw few sources saying that not only fats in diet increase testosterone, but cholesterol. Peanut butter is my main source for fats, so would i get benefits if i switch to eggs? Does anyone know daily amount of cholesterol i should intake to produce as much test as possible?
[quote]creatinejunkie wrote:
So, today i saw few sources saying that not only fats in diet increase testosterone, but cholesterol. [/quote]
The body needs cholesterol to produce several hormones, including Test, but it’s a fairly involved process. It’d be more efficient to simply focus on getting enough healthy fats rather than hitting a minimum cholesterol intake.
First of all, I think you’ve said you’re trying to build size, right? Having peanut butter as your main source of fats is overly-restrictive. A few weeks ago, in another thread, you said you’re eating rice and chicken breasts four times a day. That’s insane, stop it. You’re not a pre-contest bodybuilder. Absolutely include whole eggs, whatever red meat you can afford, and fatty fish.
Again, it’s not so much about making sure you get enough dietary cholesterol. It’s more important to make sure you’re getting plenty of healthy fats. 30-35% total calories is a ballpark to shoot for.
Why to eat beef? It’s only macros, or am i wrong?
[quote]creatinejunkie wrote:
Why to eat beef? It’s only macros, or am i wrong?[/quote]
because of the type of fat in beef
Spend some time reading nutrition articles. If you’re bulking, you don’t need to be so overtly analytical or restrictive of your diet.
Fill your diet with typical bodybuilding staples while focusing on hitting caloric totals.Make adjustments as needed based on how your body is responding.
As you go forward you’ll naturally see what foods suit you best, give you the best results.