Hi my name is Michael,
I am 28 yo, 5’11 165 lbs. I’m at the end of 5 years of Endurance training. I’m a wildland firefighter so hiking and running has been the story of my life. I’ve run a marathon and I’ve participated in 2 organized 100 mile bike rides.
That being said I’ve shedded most of any size I had post High School sports (football, baseball). I’d like to take my long term training plan into a more balanced stage. Ideally I’d like to be a fit 190-195…powerful but not heavy.
So I’ve done 1 cycle previously when I was 21, it was an 8 week 30 mgs a day D-bol cylcle. I gained about 15 lbs which I lost quickly over the next year. I haven’t maxed out in a long time but I know I can probably still bench 185. I’ve got powerful legs (for my size)…so squad 225 maybe:)
Here I go with my proposal. Disclaimer: I know only what I’ve read on the internet, I have an older friend who I’ll be bounicing ideas off of as well, but I’m a NOOOOOB-k-.
Week 1-2 20 mgs DBOL 2x pd pre workout
200 mgs Boldanone every other day
Week 3-4 20 mgs DBOL 2x pd pre workout
150 mgs Boldanone every other day
week 6-10 150 mgs Boldanone every other day
week 12 100 mg Clomid per day
week 13 50 mg Clomid per day
Pls comment on prob/changes…whatever. I’ll post a couple pics tonight when I gat home.
Thank you ahead of time,