Charity Auction: Testosterone Leather Jacket

As you all know, the US suffered a huge blow this week. The staff of T-mag and Biotest would like to help out in some small way. One of the most compelling stories we heard was about the many firefighters who lost their lives trying to save others. To run into a burning building while everyone else is running out is the epitome of what being a T-man is all about. But in this case, it cost them their lives.

The NYC Firefighters Fund has been set up to help the families of those men killed. What we’re going to do is auction off a Testosterone leather jacket, not normally available for sale, and give the money to this charity. This jacket is custom made and would retail for over a $1000. You can see a picture of it here:

The bidding will start at $600. If you’d like to bid, simply add to this thread and indicate the amount of your bid. Be sure and leave your correct e-mail address in the space indicated when you post. The auction ends Monday the 17th at 6PM EST.

Let’s put our differences aside for a moment and do something good. Good luck to everyone and God bless.

Chris, I can’t afford that much but would like to contribute something to the cause in T-Mag’s name … where do I send a check? Thanks.

I, too, would love to donate some money on T-Mag’s behalf.



You can make smaller donations through this site:

Dino25 and Irondoc- thank you.


I just gave a check to the NYC Firefighters and the Police but they can always use more. Here’s a $750 bid

This Canadian will put up $725USD

17 seconds–nice one Dan
I see your $750 and raise you $775.17USD
That jacket is gonna look mighty fine up here
in the great white north…

I wish T-mag good luck for this charitable deed. I would have bid, but like many people here, even I don’t have credit card, nor any dollars.

I’ll bid $825 to keep it here in the States.

I will bid 650


As a student I can’t afford to bid, but I wanted to thank T-mag and BioTest for what they’re doing. You guys rock in more ways than one.


Now this is getting interesting!!! Go irondoc!!!

Great idea Chris. I, like others can’t afford the 1000 this auction deserves, but gave to the Red Cross and NY Firefighters. We all should, if we could give something, even if it is a dollor-there are still close to 5,000 people missing (presumed dead), imagine all those fatherless or motherless families, very sad.

Thanks for the support TEk, but I don’t think I’m going to make it. If I win great, but my girlfriend found out last night with my big mouth and I had to do a lot of dancing! She doesn’t know I bought the ring already, but I’ve been crying fake poverty to surprise her in Hawaii! Talk about a dilemna. I’ll be psyched if I win, but I won’t be going higher.

Thanks to everyone who’s bid so far. Just a reminder, bidding ends Monday evening.

I can’t go higher than my previous $800 bid (got hit with a car repair bill last week), but if T-Mag wants to compile members’ contributions together, I’ll stand by that amount.

Noticed that a lot of people have said “where can I contribute?” There’s a list on, or, or here’s a URL from the New York Better Business Bureau:

Just as with supplements, it’s a good idea to go with “brands” you trust here…there have already been reported cases here in the tri-state area of rip-off artists calling up people from phony charities. Talk about low.

Another idea: got a bucket of change? At the grocery store last night, while watching the cashier stare at my purchase of nothing but cheese, meat and salad (T-Dawg diet) broken up only by a lone “sheeple” purchase (Pop-Tarts - hey, it was my off day…), I noticed the Red Cross logo on the screen of the Coinstar machine. You can run your change through the Coinstar and contribute it to the Red Cross (or other local charities in some areas.) For locations, go to (the donation option isn’t offered at some grocery chains, so check the website first.) The Red Cross actually encourages this as a donation option, as it’s very efficient…they get a single cash transfer from Coinstar and save on processing costs, bank fees, etc.