Change Routine for Rib Fracture Recovery

Hi folks,

ok, first of I need to give you some background information. In the mid of August this year, I injured myself during a squat session. I went to a doc and the diagnosis was wrong (which I found out yesterday). Anyway, I went on training through the injury (sick if I think about it now) until my squat session on monday when I again heard a crack and the pain went back. Went to the doc and this time, he sent me to do a X-ray and voila, I received the news that I HAD a broken rib and the pain is coming from the fractured spot, which hasn’t healed completely.

So, that being said, I’m looking for a routine I can follow as long the healing process is going. I have no problems with pulling motions (Bench/Deadlift/chins/etc) and I thought about routines like the bench/deadlift routines from Juggernaut Training.
Unfortunately I need to avoid squatting and OHP.

What I’m asking is,

  • any routine suggestions which would fit?
  • Suggestions on exercises to improve my weak spots at my squat, so I’ll use the time as best as I can for the time I can’t squat?
  • Anyone experienced something similiar and can share their experience on it?

Help much appreciated

Injuries suck but what sucks more is being dumb and not letting your body heal. Train what is trainable right? Sub leg presses,extensions, lunges etc for squats until your rib heals. What is that 4-6 weeks? Again, Let your body heal.

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
Injuries suck but what sucks more is being dumb and not letting your body heal. Train what is trainable right? Sub leg presses,extensions, lunges etc for squats until your rib heals. What is that 4-6 weeks? Again, Let your body heal.[/quote]

That’s exactly what I’ve planned to do. But I wanted to know any suggestions what might be good option as exercises where I don’t put that much stress on my ribcage :slight_smile:

I’ve trained with broken a rib. Each injury/case may be different…but based on my experience, I would recommend wrapping it up and letting pain be your guide…after taking a week off or Light-Light training.

Actually, this is where machines have their benefit, taking stresses off of other sections of the body. Increase difficulty of movements or complexities (compound) with time.

I recall my rib pain being rather moderate but sometimes sharp which would take me to my knees…

Anyhow. My $0.02

[quote]Hold Up wrote:
I’ve trained with broken a rib. Each injury/case may be different…but based on my experience, I would recommend wrapping it up and letting pain be your guide…after taking a week off or Light-Light training.

Actually, this is where machines have their benefit, taking stresses off of other sections of the body. Increase difficulty of movements or complexities (compound) with time.

I recall my rib pain being rather moderate but sometimes sharp which would take me to my knees…

Anyhow. My $0.02[/quote]

As mentioned, I trained with my broken rib since sommer without knowing that it wasn’t broken. And as you said, it always depends on the dimension of the injury.
Anyway, do you have any advice on how to warp the rib? Use knee wraps?

But thanks! Sounds exactly like what I’m going through. Think I’ll take a week off and come back to the gym with a wrapped ribcage :wink:

I had something like this too. I don’t think it was a broken rib, because it wasn’t that painful outside of lifting, but my rib definitely was popping and I had localized pain when squatting/pulling. I tried to roll it with the rumble roller but that made it worse.

I trained through it as best I could. Over a year later it went away.

Just an other question.
Do you think I broke my rib due to bad form? (Ofc there must be something off, but due to belt or bad form?)
Both time I had my belt on and I went extremely deep in the squat. The second time my rib “popped” could be that it wasn’t healed fully.
I already try to figger out what caused the injury and as soon as I get back, try to work on that.