I made a thread about getting a suit, but decided on getting a champion suit b/c I honestly don’t feel like investing 150+ in a suit w/o having a meet any time soon. Plus my cash flow isn’t the best.
Question for anyone out there experienced with inzer gear…
I’m 5’9" on the dot, and the fitting says to go a size up. I am wearing a 34 in power pants. Should I stay at 34 or go up to a 36?
I think you would be happier staying at 34. I’ve always gone down on their sizing charts. Usually a pain the first couple times you wear the suit but inzer’s stuff tends to stretch out quickly
[quote]robo1 wrote:
I think you would be happier staying at 34. I’ve always gone down on their sizing charts. Usually a pain the first couple times you wear the suit but inzer’s stuff tends to stretch out quickly[/quote]
I know you posted in my other suit thread. I was going to move up, but my wallet and time said NO. I don’t feel like learning a new grove and I’d rather save 100 USD or more right now and save it for when I actually have a meet to do.
I have a longer than average torso, but since you usually go down a suit size, I’ll stick w/ 34 since the straps will loosen up.