Chad Waterbury's 100 reps

Heya T-freuqes. I’d been doing Chad’s 100 reps w/ push-ups for about 3 weeks with very noticeable increase in density and overall “pump”. THat was until I got overtrianed, subsequently contracted a nasty goddamn stomach virus, and will return to the iron this Monday following a week-and-a-friggin’-half haidus. Lata. Keep postin’ those results. Chad, you officially the mac daddy, that you can frame on your wall.

MBE: "Pull his string and hear him talk...about how he's going to snap your arm for pulling his string, since 1940."


Great thread - MBE gots jokes fo’ daaaaaays! Anyhoo…has anyone got ideas for exercises for other muscle groups that can be done, say, at home? And is there a optimal spacing out of sets time wise? I would love to bring up my tri’s, calves, hams, any and all back muscles with this approach - to see how they respond. Any ideas?..

Would it be possible to do this program and expect good results while on a relatively low carb diet? (ie 150 grams). I’m following a 5x5 strength based program with about 12-14 sets per workout and 4 days per week. Also taking 3000 mg of lipoic acid so Im staying pretty pumped.

First off, I want to thank everyone for the great feedback. Hearing from you guys makes my job much more enjoyable.
Sorry for the delay in this response since I have been in NY for the past week.
The program should work well with the GVT.
Yes, you can hit different angles if desired such as flat and incline push-up variations.
Yes, it is fine to use on a low-carb program although the results won’t be as great since it is difficult to big muscle on low-carb diets.
Hopefully, this has answered most of the questions. If not, ask again and I will be sure to answer it.
Keep up the great work guys!

Chad, you were in NY and you didn’t even visit? Damn, that right there is cold.

MBE: "Followin' the rep schemes while the suckas dream since 1985."


Chad, how appropriate do you feel this type of program would be for a strength/power athlete? I’ve read that endurance-type training can negatively impact power production, which this sounds similar to.

I Have been doing Calf raises and and hanging leg raises for over four weeks now and have had great results so far. My calves always feel pumped and have grown. I also am getting a great pump when i do ab work now.

Chad, i was wondering if it would aide recovery or cause overtrainnig to train every muscle group, instead of just two, twice a day in addition to working out 3-4 times a week. I know that this would be time consuming, but it might be worth a try.

The 100 rep program will do nothing but help you quest for greater strength and power. Not only will it not hinder your progress it should dramatically help since you will be able to hit the lagging muscle groups more often.
What you are probably referring to is a conversion of high threshold fibers to endurance Type I characteristics. Such an occurance only takes place if the demands are much greater than I prescribe (such as marathon running). All in all, my endurance training recommendations are very minimal by endurance training standards. Therefore, no conversion should take place and you should get nothing but great results in your road to greater strength and power. Believe me, if it did hinder strength and power, I would have gotten rid of this method a long time ago because that is what most of my clients are seeking.
Try it and see for yourself. Thanks!

Johnny B,
I am happy to hear you are getting great results from my program. Your comments have been very typical of the feedback I have received.
In reference to your question - No, I would not recommend you hit every body part using this method as it would surely push the overtraining envelope, but feel free to experiment. If you feel you could handle 3 muscle groups, then try it, but remember I didn’t recommend it. Thanks!

Are there any other leg exercises you recommend besides low box squats and bodyweight squats for the 100 reps program?

I didn’t think it would hurt, but I thought it would be a good idea to ask. Thanks!

The list is endless. It really depends on what you are specifically trying to achieve. For clients who need greater hip stability, I like to use step-ups. If they desire more quad development, sissy squats work well. I also like split squats for quad development and hip strength. Good Luck!

After reading Mr. Waterbury’s article, I was wondering something. Is there any benefit to doing this workout other then the faster recovery? Say for instance, I chose to do pushups, to help my chest. Would I have to change my weekly reutine to workout my chest every 4 days instead of every 7 to see any sort of gain, or would there be a gain from just doing the 100 pushups every day, and my usual, once a week chest workout?

Thanks in advance for some light shed on this subject.

I’m looking forward to trying out this program this week. I’ll let you guys know what happens: :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what Chad will say, but I didn’t change the amount of times per week I did chest, I just added in the 100 push-ups 6 days per week (25 push ups 4 times a day) and I saw my bench press 10 rep max go up over 20 pounds in two weeks.

Thanks for the responce, I’ll definately have to give this a go then.

I am fully prepared to be flamed for this but I have been following this thread and I have a question. I am not eating for mass and not interested in gaining mass (being female) but I am very interested in increasing strength and endurance, particularily in my hamstrings. Can I still reap those benefits if I incorporate this program while eating/training for fat loss?

As Brent already stated, you can add 100 rep workouts on every day that you don’t do maximal work (in your case 6 days). You should get great results but consider adding in my Push-up Your Explosive Strength program as your second higher intensity workout each week if you have the luxury. If not, stick to your current once/week high intensity chest work with 6 recovery workouts. Let me know how it works for you.
