Ok, so your on an island where its farely possible to get halfway decent nutrition. You can get enough protein, carbs, and the basicelectrolytes, but you have to choose between lots of celery, and a little broccolie, pr the other way around. What would you choose and why?
Broccoli 1000%
Higher protein content, and there are 0 disciples of broccoli on this forum. The same cannot be said of celery.
Sounds like it’s time for a new thread…
That or a 90s garage grunge band.
I wouldn’t pick either. I already have what I need.
I’ve just spent 20 mins going down this rabbit hole and I can’t say it was disappointing in the slightest.
In this senario I would probably go with Brah-coli……
The reason why I’m a disciple of celery is now is due to the lifestyle of not having to farm and catch my food. I sit and watch a screen all day. I’m inactive earning a living.
I assume I’d have to catch and grow most of my food on this island?
A better question is, would you still lift weights on the island? I would use rocks, logs and trees to train with.
Plus if there ain’t no peanuts on the island, I wouldn’t touch the celery.
Brah-coil is really good in shrimp/fish salads with peppers!
I’m looking for culinary loopholes.
If I can include celery root and celery seeds, I’d go with that, even though objectively broccoli is better nutritionally.
Now if I could lump anything that is from Brassica oleracea, then broccoli, no contest.
This just got interesting! To answer a few questions…You can lift weight if you whant too! Could even be some fitness equipme t on the plane that may or may not have crashed. Was it a plane, a dingy boat, or a full on ocean liner? Could their be weight aboard? Did the heavy carrier make it to shore or to you have to take a dingy boat to sea to get this stuff. Im the guy who started the thread so these are appropriate questions!!! Im thinking you still have to strougle, but this is a good island. Plenty of protein. You can carry a few dishes on a dingy boat, but weights could be a bigger challenge, still possible for someone with iron in their heart. Ill have everyone vote on weather something with an oven made it to shore or if were cooking with fire. Remebering that this thread was originally about broccolie and celery is encouraged, but feel free to just have fun.
Celery, so i can tie all the sticks together and make a raft to sail away to the mainland
When it comes to lifting I think not using any manmade equipment would net better results.
I would love to do my training out in the woods using thick shaft trees for pull-ups, climbing, using thick branches for exercises and lifting rocks of all shapes and sizes.
Using thick bars have proven to build more mass, so doing all the above would do even better.
This also proves that lifting is a real gift of nature, the fact that muscles do what they do and we are PROVIED weights eg rocks, trees etc nothing needs to be created here, it’s all ready there for us.
Ha! By the time you got halfway there it would wilt and get slimy.
I will sprinkle it with salt to keep the slime off, lol
The ocean water should make it salty enough.
That will actually draw out moisture and make your raft flaccid.
He didn’t specify where the island is, so if it was in the middle of a body of freshwater (preferably as cold as possible) then it might work.
I’m on team broccoli. Brassicas have natural ingredients that increase & preserve testosterone.
Celery is for skinny chicks that are “watching their figure”.
I’d also split my time between swimming/ foraging the ocean floor and using available rocks & wood and other available fibers to build a nice hut.
Aren’t we all? I gotta keep my birthing hips.
This is a good point. Why leave the island at all? My retirement plan is to run a dive bar made of bamboo and eat grilled fish (and celery) while my wife does henna tattoos somewhere in the keys. Add in ocean access, a Tarzan-esque gymnasium, plenty of solitude, and no internet?
I’m sold.
Yeah man! Abalone and lobster don’t get any fresher than hand picked 10 min. ago.
I’ve watched Dual Survival and Dude! You’re Screwed! Enough times to know you might have to hunker down and prepare for the long haul while also preping rescue signals.
Rescue team shows up, you make some dinner for them, crack open a couple of coconuts and cheers!
you won’t know when that hurricane hits
A big ass Tarzan swing into a lagoon would be the shiznit. Massive liability, but fun as hell.
Im Gonna go ahead and say this ocean has all the sodium you need! Internet is interesting…I guess it depands on what transportation got you to the island, how close it is to the island , and whats your plan to keep it working ehhile you swim through the ocean with it with a big plan to use it, possibly powered by a hamster wheel or something… Or maby your just have to.swim out to see every time you wanna use the internet?..