several years back, several wcw pro wrestlers came into the gm i worked at a few timees a year. here is the low down:
big van vader- not too impressive in person, not very tall at all, but saw him do behind neck push presses 405x5
big poppa pump- this was before he got so ripped, flat db bp 150’s, PLAYED with them!!! stopped counting at about 15, got depressed.
crush/keith adams(i think) 405 for a few reps in the bench, so tall and arms so long barely fit into the cable cross-over machine.
curt henning- this one suprised me, not thought of as a power-guy, but did some cheat barbell curls with 165, and STRICT barbell extensions with 205 for several reps.
dustin rhodes/gold-dust- also suprised, seated dumbell overhead presses 150’s for a few decent reps.
and no , did not see anyone EVER work there legs!
Bourque was very dedicated. at the gym 5-5:30 am every week day during the off season for an hour or two. showed when he got on the ice. probably what kept him going all those years.
Man…I dont think I will EVER have the opportunity to see a celeb in the gym I workout at. Town population of 2500…HIGHLY doubtful I will bump into a celeb there…haha. It would be neat though I guess. Hmmmm, if Mandy Moore is ever working out in the same gym as me…I will definetely offer a spot…(wink wink).
Randy is very cool, and down to earth. And he decided to move down to llight heavy weight and fight Chuck Lidde
He and Matt both train and teach at the studio where I train, and it is in the back of a car lot.
Team Quest is the name of the club.
Used to see Don Long in the gym a couple of times a week before he had the kidney problem and moved to Florida. Spoke to him once, he was cool, & huge. Herc
Hey pooh,
I’m guessing you go to Richmond Rd. No celebs ever come to the Boston joint. My buddies at that one say the wrestlers all come there whenever they are in town. Someone told me that once, awhile back, Kane was there and was doing free-weight military presses with 400 pounds! I thought that was pretty amazing considering it’s rare for a lot of people to even bench that much. Most people will call BS and I was a bit skeptical myself, but the person who told me had no reason to lie. Not that I really give a shit about the WWF (or E or whatever the shit it is now) and I know they all use supplement S. 'Roids or not, though, that’s strong. On a side note, if you’re like most people on this board you could give two shits about bodybuilding, but just in case you’re interested the Bluegrass Muscle Classic is coming up here on May 31st. The main reason I mention is because Stan McQuay is the guest poser so you might see him at Gold’s around that time. I’m actually going to go to the show because I’ve never been to a show before and I’m kinda interested to see what it’s like.
At my gym in Bethesda MD there are a couple former Redskins that still lift there. I saw 1 guy on the World’s Strongest Man trials too, though he didnt make it to the international level (i think). All his stuff is piled up in corner.
I met a pitcher for the Rangers over winter break, and last week Steve Blake was in there. The Washington Capitals s&c coach works out of that gym and is helping a friend get ready for a regional NFL combine.
I have Cy Willson at my gym!!
I used to lift at The Gym in Plymouth, Minnesota and it was onwed by Joe “Animal” Laurinitus, from the Legion of Doom and the Road Warriors. He was also my assistant baseball coach.
So, Animal was in there all the time. I was younger and very impressed with big weights moved and I saw Animal start with 315 on the incline with a hurt shoulder. Crazy. Bunch of WWF guys used to come in there. Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude are two of the guys I remember.
Avril Lavigne went to my high school. She used to sing at spirit rallys and such that were held in the gym. Does that count?
Jared NFS -
I guess the only “celebrity” you might run into at the gym would be “Hootie” or Clay Henry. Not that either of them can find one.
Carmen Electra went to my high school for one year. Does anyone care?
Yeah, Oxford sucks. I am soooo ready to get the fuck outta here. My friends and I don’t fit the mold at all. None of us hardly ever wear khakis, button-downs or have nasty ass hats. My wardrobe today: Adidas tearaways, undershirt, Timberland sweatshirt, New Balance running shoes. Far stretch from khakis, J.Crew, and boots.
Yeah, fuckin 50 Cent came here. My high school was ~50% black, so I can understand and dig all the rap and ghetto stuff. All these white-ass preppy fucks here think they know what this guy went thru. Are you kidding me? These upper-middle class yuppies have no clue about real-life, or even come close to a real 'hood.
I’ve been around Anthony Munoz before. Anyone remember the greatest lineman of Bengals history?
Another thing - Know why we are called J.Crew U.? This is for real - We receive the most J.Crew catalogs out of any zip code in the nation. As a frosh, there would be literally hundreds of them downstairs by the mail rooms. It was just from people before us ordering them, so each room could get like 15 catalogs, so they just left them in piles.
Yes, middle to upper class yuppies have no idea about “real life”. They have what is commonly called “pretend lives”.
“Real life” happens in a “real 'hood”. Where only a select few white kids, like JWright, “understand and dig rap” and all that “ghetto stuff.”
Spoken like a true white, upper-to-middle class kid who is trying so hard to be different but just ends up sounding like a total dumb ass.
Kid, 50Cent performed in Over the Rhine and those people freaked out that he was coming. They asked for extra police protection, etc. Do the people in Over the Rhine have no clue about “real life” or what a “real 'hood” is? LOL See how stupid you sound?
You sit in posh little Miami go to a predominantly white school. Mommy and daddy probably pay your tuition, and you have the nerve to say certain people have no clue about what a “real 'hood” is? YOU don’t even know what a “real 'hood” is, dummy.
I am sure you will say you do because you went to a school that was “~50% black”…so you know it all…even though it was probably some middle class school (yes, many blacks are middle class…but you think because there were “~50% blacks” that you were somehow in the “ghetto” or “da 'hood”). Name where you went to HS, tough guy.
Ron Jeremy worked out at the gym I work at once.
I went to Princeton High School. Lincoln Heights and Woodlawn were predominant in our schools. And yes, since I’ve been at Miami, I’ve lost some of my roots. And no, most of the black kids at our school were not middle class, in fact, far from it. The only reason our school survives is because we have a huge GE plant in our district, along with a giant P&G plant. If it wasn’t for those, we would’ve been poor as shit. And yes, a lot of my high school friends came from the ghetto. I’ve been shot at, near being stabbed, and avoided a ton of shit. So don’t tell me “spoken like a true white boy”. You have no idea the shit I’ve seen and the people I’ve been around. Death, drugs, you name it, I’ve seen it.
And no, Mommy and Daddy don’t pay my tuition you fuck. I earned my way through school, busting my ass to earn scholarships. In fact, I turned down a baseball scholarship for a grades scholarship. Each year, I’ve earned more scholarships, because I have busted my ass. You think I’ve never been in the hood? Try walkin in Over The Rhine at night, with a hooded sweatshirt over your head so you don’t get shot at for being not black.
So tell me, exHITer Scott, ever seen a person get shot? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Oh, and by the way, I had 2 tickets to the first 50 Cent concert in OTR, but it was cancelled, just so you know. Ever heard a non-black guy call a black person “brotha” or “n*gga”? Yeah, well I do that shit all the time. Why? Because I can.
-1 for ExHITer Scott for questioning someone’s background on a message board.
Also, -1 for JWright for answering.
Damn, -1 for me for using an emoticon.
I lived in Flint. Nothing in Cinci even compares. End of story.
You are still dopey for thinking that middle-to-upper class whites don’t know what “real life” is. “Real life” is only something poor people can experience? “Real life” is only what you have experienced? I guess you are just jealous of the more fortunate.
Once a freak got in my gym… he didnt speak our local language, he spoke english… he was the biggest mofo I?ve ever seen…
the guys in the gym said he won some BB titles, Olympia something, a few times. His name was Ronnie Coleman or something like that…
And I am not making this up.