I would like some experienced input. SO far I have been on TestoGel for 6 weeks and I wasn’t feeling any effects really but my Test is up from 460. I have also been taking DHEA 25- 50mg/ED and Tribulus. Thoughts
is the Estradiol and DHEA being high keeping me from getting the benefit of the free test?
Planned cycle, Do I need to modify? Should I continue the DHEA25 oral and Tribulus while on cycle?
TEST E 250mg- 2x week IM ( I have 5 weeks worth of TEST E on hand and have Test Cyp on order, is it ok to switch)
HCG 250iu 2x week (day after TEST) SubQ
Add ANAVAR 50mg ED oral
15 Start PCT
15 NOLVADEX 40mg ED 7 days
16-19 NOLVADEX 20mg ED 14 days
20 NOLVADEX 10 mg 7 days
I’d scrap the Test Cycle with a total T of 1038.
Get your E2 in check with an AI, Do the VAR for 8 weeks, you will make nice dry gains and keep most
(if your VAR is real), and you can skip the pct serm since you are on TRT.
What are you trying to achieve here? You’ve been on TRT for a grand total of 6 weeks, were not really that low to begin with, are now in the high-normal range and you want to start an AAS cycle? Personally, I would give the TRT some more time, and get those E2 levels under control before you throw anything else into the mix. Something like 6 months minimum with more bloodwork along the way. Plenty of guys “blast and cruise” while on TRT, but it sounds like you are jumping the gun a bit too soon. If you still want to do the cycle anyway, please post in the steriods section - you won’t get much help here.
Good stuff guys… The TRT I’m having to pay for myself. My doc wouldn’t listen to me and I wanted to see if it made a difference. it hasn’t really, plus the Gel is expensive, more than vials, is a pain in the ass to gel up everyday, and I worry about transdermal transfer to my wife and kids. Plus the pins seemed easier. I have been trying to find another doctor that will listen to me and my symptoms, until then I am on my own.
Good luck finding real var, I do not believe it is made by legitimate pharma co’s any longer (not 100% on that).
Most var is actually DBol or Winny made by underground labs.
As mentioned, you need to get the E2 under control before you go throwing a bunch of stuff in the mix. I’d get that under control and then evaluate, after a few months. Remember, this isn’t a sprint. It will take you some time to get settled in. The last thing you want to do is go adding more stuff in to get things out of whack.
With a TT of 1000+, you should definitely be feeling it. You likely aren’t because of the high E2. Get that sorted.
[quote]catfish74 wrote:
As mentioned, you need to get the E2 under control before you go throwing a bunch of stuff in the mix. I’d get that under control and then evaluate, after a few months. Remember, this isn’t a sprint. It will take you some time to get settled in. The last thing you want to do is go adding more stuff in to get things out of whack.
With a TT of 1000+, you should definitely be feeling it. You likely aren’t because of the high E2. Get that sorted. [/quote]
Thanks! I will start on adex as soon as it comes in. Since it seems I’m in the wrong post, (BALLA wants to HOLLA) I would like to keep you guys and others updated. Where should I do that?