[quote]Scott M wrote:
Most people don’t have that much trouble eating enough anyway,
Do you really think that most people don’t have trouble eating enough? I’m not seeing a bunch of powerfully built but soft people on this site or in the gym. I see a lot of skinny guys who are under muscled.[/quote]
A lot of skinny guys that you see who are under muscled do not necessarily have trouble eating enough. In many cases, they just don’t try to eat enough. This problem just seems to go along with the fact that the mind set in popular culture today is that eating an abundance of food is bad. Many under muscled skinny guys think that they can get “ripped” by not eating hardly anything and doing other things that are detrimental to gaining mass. In most cases, under eating is not a problem, but a choice.
So you agree that cardio aids in increasing the rate of one’s metabolism? In the attempt to gain muscle mass, especially for people who tend to have trouble gaining weight in the first place, increasing one’s metabolism isn’t necessarily a good thing.
[quote]Another thing you have to remember is that the calorie burning effects of cardio do not end with the completion of the cardio regimen. The effects of cardio, namely an increased stimulation of the body’s metabolism, continue for quite some time after the completion of the cardio.
This means that not only are you burning calories during the cardio, but doing the cardio in the first place increases your metabolism, thereby making mass gains even more difficult to attain throughout the day, despite a slight increase in the person’s ability to eat. So any benefit that cardio might have on a person’s ability to eat more is outweighed by the body’s inability to gain mass due to an increased metabolism.
Except for extremely ectomorphic people when has an increased metabolism ever been a problem?[/quote]
To anyone trying to gain the maximum amount of muscle possible.
Then that pretty much rules out the need for cardio in that regard.
Doing cardio would be detrimental to growing every ounce of muscle you killed yourself for in the gym.
The OP is 6’1" tall and weighs around 184 pounds. I would consider that to be ectomorphic as I’m sure he’s put on some size with weight training. Now, in your earlier post you recommended that he do cardio 3 times a week, but now you say ectomorphic people should do it 0 times a week, MAYBE twice. That’s quite different. Now, did you even look to see how much he weighed, or did you just jump in without even checking just to defend what you feel works for you?