Your standard, run of the mill, white bagel lacks any real nutritional value. Think of it as eating pure sugar. Whole wheat bagels are a superior food choice. I wouldn’t call them “bad.” I eat a whole wheat bagel with real jam as part of my PWO meal.
However, beyond their implementation either as a morning meal just prior to a workout, or a meal just after a workout, you have far better food options at your disposable. If you want to drop weight, limit the consumption of your whole wheat bagels to those two times.
At other times of the day I think there are simply better options. This doesn’t mean “oooh gosh, I can never have a bagel with salami ever again,” but I think the longer you’re at the powerbuilding game, the more you start looking at food as a resource of energy and growth, rather than “oooh this tastes good” or “it’s convenient.” Now there are some nutritionists who claim that the nutrient partitioning theory is bunk. Most of this rests on the grounds that protein itself spikes your insulin levels, and, that if you’re eating consistently, you can’t “magically” split up how your body is digesting different nutrients - i.e. they all get mixed together in the end anyways.
Either way, I think what you should take away from this is that there are better things out there. Namely, fruits, veggies, etc. Things like salami, full fat cream cheese, and refined grain products aren’t helping your body… unless you simply want to put on tons and tons of mass. Some individuals need that kind of caloric intake to begin adding muscle. Fat conscious individuals don’t.
So to summarize:
- White bagels are worthless. Stay away. A whole wheat bagel outside of your PWO or temporal eating schedule, as a morning meal, is not ideal. Can you have one every once and awhile, sure. I think people need to make gradual adaptations to their diet. It took me over six months before I hit all of JB’s 7 Habits. If that bagel keeps you sane, go ahead and eat it, but be cognizant of the superior food choices available to you.
1A. A white bagel immediately PWO can serve as an excellent high-GI carb. Throw down some fast acting protein and you’re golden. Once again, Surge or a similar PWO recovery drink would be ideal, but this exists as one of your options. Just make sure the white bagel isn’t loaded with fat.
Following the guidelines of nutrient timing and selecting optimal food choices will naturally “take care” of the P&F and P&C combinations. JB, in his most recent literature, has eschewed even mentioning these old ME guidelines. ME Reloaded and things like Gourmet Nutrition and the Hard-Body Manifesto have singled out nutrient timing as the key factor to body composition and athletic success.
Make gradual changes to your diet. Dr. Lonnie Lowery still eats whole grains consistently through the morning hours. My body puts on fat mass when I eat these foods outside the peri-workout nutrient timing window.
Hopefully this has helped. No food is “good” or “bad.” Modern nutritional theory has shown us how we can optimize our body’s tolerance for certain foods at certain times of the day. Read Lean Eatin I & II for more information, as well as the Nutrient Timing articles. I hope all this helps, and keep eating!