Carbs as Dietary Fiber

Hey gang, I was just chatting with a friend about what types of nuts (legumes) he eats. I said I steered away from peanuts because they are high in carbs (as I’m sticking to the Massive Eating diet). Anyway, he mentioned that since some of the carbs act as dietary fiber, they shouldn’t be of a concern when counting them. Any thoughts on this? If I’m going to eat a lot, I want to damn make sure I eat right!!

You heard right. Fibre is listed as a carb, but humans lack the enzymes to digest them–so they don’t count in your calculations of carb intake. Yay!

Eating lots of peanuts is probably a bad idea because the way peanuts are stored leads to growth of a mold on them which produces a nasty toxin (aflatoxin). This toxin is one of the most potent liver cancer inducers known.

Whoa! I never heard that about peanuts … I’ll have to look more into that. Thanks!

I believe that fiber makes up a portion of the carbs in peanuts, but if you will notice, many brands have maltodextrin is listed as one of the main ingredients. If I’m not mistaken, maltodextrin ranks incredibly high on the GI index and would therefore be bad with such high amounts of fat. - Epitome

100 g of peanuts contains exactly 8 g of dietary fiber. It is also high in PUFA and MUFA and a good low GI carb source / what worries me is extremely high caloric value of 590 kCal/100 g. It is good for those who claim that can’t gain mass and a perfect tool for fat gain for guys with slow metabolisms like myself.