I thought others might benefit from the Carbolin 19 trial that I started a few days ago…
The product claims state that with Carbolin 19 I will be able to essentially shift my body composition: Not lose or gain weight, necessarily, but see a dramatic change in relative muscle and fat. In other words, if I’m understanding T-Nation’s sales pitch, my body fat percentage will decrease.
Background: Five years ago, I was at my personal maximum density of about 250 pounds. This was essentially all fat and no muscle. I spent about two years starving myself and doing major cardio to get all the way down to 145. Nice to lose the fat, but suddenly found myself to be a scrawny twerp.
The annoying thing: My flabby spare tire never went away. Several doctors have told me this is because adipose hyperplasia occurred: I increased the number of fat cells in my body, and these cannot go away (without being sucked out; but my wife says “no” to lipo).
In any event, a couple of years ago I decided to put on some muscle. This has been a major uphill battle for a lot of reasons, but every day it seems I’m learning more and achieving better results through proper exercise, rest, supplementation and nutrition. I’m now up to 170 pounds; a lot of this is muscle, but my spare tire has grown, too.
Long story short (I know, too late): As of three months ago, I was at 21.5% body fat. This stinks, of course, as I’d like some hint of abs!! Again, I’m constantly trying to improve my workout, nutrition and other factors, but seem stuck at 21.5%. Some things I’ve tried:
Testosterone supplementation. That’s right, I mean the prescription kind. I get this because my doctor found that I had low free testosterone. I think this has helped with the muscle, but hasn’t touched the fat (and it sure as heck is supposed to help with fat, too!!)…
Thyroid supplementation. Again, prescription kind. Doctor found low thyroid, too. But my body fat % has remained consistent at 21.5.
Every combination of high protein, low carb, high/low cardio, high/low fat, absolutely spotless diet, high/low calorie, major weight lifting at gym, etc., etc. (and long periods experimenting with each combination). Doesn’t matter what I try: The scale always reads around 21 to 21.5% body fat.
Would you be frustrated if you were me?? I know I haven’t described in detail what I’ve done or what I’m doing now, but I THINK I’m an excellent test case for Carbolin 19: The world’s most-stuck-at-high-body -fat-percentage guy ever…
So, again, started the Carbolin 19 a few days ago. As of this morning, of course, I’m still at 21 to 21.5%. I won’t change anything else about my routine, etc., and will post my results over the next few weeks/months of using Carbolin 19…
I’ll either end up as T-Nation’s new best friend, or not…