So I bought a bottle of Carbolin 19. I’ve always been pretty cautious with buying supplements being an anti-supplement guy in the past. I guess I got caught up in the hype and figured what the hell. I can only lift hard over the summer because I need to be nervous system fresh for practice from September to May. (BTW I polevault for Rutgers University)
Im gaining weight over the summer and it would help me a bunch in my limited time. I lost so much strength over the last season and need to get stronger. I’ll use it during one of my strength phases.
My biggest concern was if it was NCAA banned or not. Cy relieved me with a reply that it isn’t banned to the best of his knowledge.
Sounds great right? Anyway, now Im half a month away from trying Carbolin 19 for the first time and Im getting a guilty conscience. Why? I mean it doesn’t cause down-regulation. It is not NCAA banned, if I was tested I wouldn’t turn up positive right? It should help my progress, which is important because I won’t be lifting too much during the season. Besides Im only taking it for a month, months before I would be tested, if at all.
In conclusion Im thinking of not taking it at all. I already bought this bottle though and I’ve really been looking forward to trying it. I’m on a championship division 1 track team and definitely would not want any problems with testing.
I just wanted some other people’s opinions because I respect the opinions of others on this website.
You don’t have anything to worry about. You won’t be tested for colforsin (Carbolin 19)it is not a banned substance. You are not gaining an unfair advantage over your competition; one because this is a legal substance, and two because one month of use will not do jack for you!
I played lacrosse for Ohio State and over my four years we were drug tested many times. At the time, I was using andro products and 1-test products as well. I asked my trainer what they test for and she said they only test for the street drugs (coke, marijuana, heroin, etc.) because tests for things like steroids and other performance enhancing drugs were too expensive.
She did say that they tested three teams for this though and those teams were football, baseball and track but only is they made it to the post season (i guess in your event the Big East and NCAA’s). the reason i bring this up is because i would assume that the OSU athletic dept. would have more funds than Rutgers (with over 50,000 students) available to administer these types of tests and still dont. Not knocking your school, it is a great school, just speaking on simple athletic dept revenue figures. Furthermore, two of my teammates were using Primobolan at the time and still went undetected which proves what the trainer told me.
I have used Carbolin 19 now for a week and a half and I know that Cy says it takes longer to see real results but i have already noticed a very slight change in body comp and my strength is slowly rising. Just be sure to eat right and train hard and i think you will like the benefits of this supp. if you want more details, please PM me.
No, you shouldn’t use it. If you do, your a cheater, a liar and you are doing a disservice to everything that is morally right and true. You will be tarnishing the pure and holy practice of organized athletics and going against everything that pure competition stands for, truth, honesty and fair play. You will not be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life. Your family, friends and colleagues are all going to be disgusted with you, and most likely will shun you forever. No one or even any church will ever accept you ever again. You will always be a loser, and God won’t love you anymore.
And for what? Because you wanted to increase your athletic performance? You ought to be so ashamed of yourself, go out right now and buy some rope and hang yourself. You will be doing the world a service you good-for-nothing low-life CHEAT!!!
[quote]Galvatron wrote:
No, you shouldn’t use it. If you do, your a cheater, a liar and you are doing a disservice to everything that is morally right and true. You will be tarnishing the pure and holy practice of organized athletics and going against everything that pure competition stands for, truth, honesty and fair play. You will not be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life. Your family, friends and colleagues are all going to be disgusted with you, and most likely will shun you forever. No one or even any church will ever accept you ever again. You will always be a loser, and God won’t love you anymore.
And for what? Because you wanted to increase your athletic performance? You ought to be so ashamed of yourself, go out right now and buy some rope and hang yourself. You will be doing the world a service you good-for-nothing low-life CHEAT!!! [/quote]
Yeah, thats true. Its just that the NCAA tries to scare the shit out of you into not taking any supplements at all. I guess its no sin to be trying to improve yourself, nomatter what anyone else has to say.
I guess I was always anti-supplement because I had less respect for people who replaced hard work and proper nutrition with supplements. You know, those guys who tell you, the pump from my new pumptech is unbelievable.
[quote]Galvatron wrote:
I offended Joe Weider? Haw! My life is now complete, because your ridiculous rag-mags I read throughout the eighties offend me! Touche![/quote]
No offense, I just thought it was a crappy thing to day even as a joke.
[quote]poper wrote:
I guess I was always anti-supplement because I had less respect for people who replaced hard work and proper nutrition with supplements. You know, those guys who tell you, the pump from my new pumptech is unbelievable. [/quote]
You know what you get when you replace hard work and proper nutrition with supplements? Nothing. That’s why their called supplements. Hell, even if I took steroids in the absence of hard work and proper nutrition do you know what I would still get? Nothing.
“anti-supplement” - This kind of annoys me. It’s almost like saying you’re anti-food. At what point does performance enhancement hedge into supplementation and thus cheating (somehow). First of all, many supplements should technically be called food. Second, all supplements are found in nature, so that means herbs, etc - so going out into the wilderness and eating a certain bark is cheating?
You say that taking supplements takes away from hard work since it makes it easier to achieve. Well, not all things that help you to achieve your goals are hard. Extra sleep helps a lot - most people would consider that lazy.
It just seems like if everyone else ate junk food and didn’t train right, many athletes would think it was cheating to do research on better nutrition, train better, etc. This is horrible. Being an athlete - your purpose (besides enjoyment) is to be the best you can. To not want to improve for fear of doing better than someone else is ludicrous. Socialist ideas have no place in sports.
Cheating presupposes a set of rules. In the case of sports, these rules are mostly arbitrary. Supposedly fans don’t want to watch roided freaks playing sports and that’s why sports associations are against them. This is obviously false - whatever their agenda is - they set the rules. Therefore, anything not on the rules is fair game. You should have no qualms about something not against the rules.
Let’s speculate that in the future all drugs are legal. And sports associations allow them. How would you cheat? Well, buying off players is one, but the point is that no matter what is allowed, not everyone will use it - they can tell what you can’t use - they can’t tell you what you can. You should look for any edge you can - to do otherwise is an attempt at mediocrity, something no one should be a part of.
Not trying to pick on you, just had to get it off my chest.
Now go out and get better and beat the idiots that aren’t using Carbolin 19.
heh, I used to be anti-supplement, USED to be. Anyway, people are so fast to discredit your hard work just because you used something as simple as protein powder. I used to have to give them the same lecture about how protein is found in foods, etc etc. I don’t care about their opinions anymore and I’ve grown out of it. I think I’ll be taking Carbolin 19 for a test run.