Lean meat, oils on your salad, and some fruit? I dunno… Meal plans get complicated the more finicky and frequent the eater.
Salmon, basa, tilapia, shrimp, top sirloin, ground sirloin, turkey breast, chicken breast, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, whey/casein powder
EVOO, VCO, red palm oil
lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, napa, brocolli, cauliflower, green beans
strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. (berries tend to be on the lower carb side)
Hot sauce, tex mex, curry, cinnamon, artificial sweeteners
Those are my “ideas”.
First you find the fat from the protein sources once you’ve met your protein intake, use oils to make up the difference. Then have as much fruit and veggies as your carb limit will let.
On higher carb days add: sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes, white rice (I personally stay away from oats and wheat)
These are also good days to fit in a desert item.
As to meal frequency I’m an intermittent faster so it’s all one big meal starting post workout. But if I wasn’t I’d probably only do 3-4 meals a day anyway.