Carb Codex Calcs. Make No Sense!

Ok, so I’m racking my brain trying to calculate numbers according to the Carb Cycling Codex.

My stats:

Age: 24
Height: 67 in
Weight: 155 lbs
BF: ~ 22%

According to the article, there should be 9 sets of calorie calculations:

bulk, maintenance, and cut, each having moderate, low and high carb days.

Also, Thib was saying to have 3 carb+protein meals and 3 carb+fat meals, so I am dividing my total grams of carbs and fats by 3 to get the amount to be consumed at each meal.

Now, here are the numbers I got:

On my Moderate-Cut day, I am getting 1 g of Fat ! (per my calculations, I mean)

On my High-Bulk/Cut/Maintenance day, I am getting 291 g of carbs, divided by 3 is almost 100 g of carbs per meal. Seems like a LOT of carbs.

Anyone use the Carb Codex with any success? Sounds like a great concept but it just seems overly complicated.

I would appreciate any help. Am trying to clean bulk for a while and am looking at lifting 3 days a week, total body, then HIIT twice a week (non lifting days), then two days OFF entirely from training.

What do you want? Cut, Maintain or Bulk? I will lay the calculations out for you when I know what you are looking to do.
Assuming a Multiplication factor of 1.6 for activity…
Assuming Ectomorph body type…
Assuming Bulking with 20%+ calorie bump…

Bulking = 3250 Cal. Per Day
Low: Carb 170 Pro 226.5 Fat 160
Mod: Carb 226.5 Pro 226.5 Fat 160
Hi : Carb 283 Pro 226.5 Fat 160

[quote]CrvtWanabe wrote:
What do you want? Cut, Maintain or Bulk? I will lay the calculations out for you when I know what you are looking to do.
Assuming a Multiplication factor of 1.6 for activity…
Assuming Ectomorph body type…
Assuming Bulking with 20%+ calorie bump…

Bulking = 3250 Cal. Per Day
Low: Carb 170 Pro 226.5 Fat 160
Mod: Carb 226.5 Pro 226.5 Fat 160
Hi : Carb 283 Pro 226.5 Fat 160[/quote]

Awesome, thank you. I am looking to Bulk, so I will use those calculations.

The reason for my inquiry was the fact that my Low and Hi carb days weren’t coming out to 3250, I think only the Moderate carb day totalled that. So I guess the caloric intake is only used to figure the numbers for the Moderate days, and only from there you just need to adjust the carbs up and down (regardless of caloric intake) for the Low and Hi.

I think that’s where my confusion was, and I appreciate your help.

By the way…

Should I still worry about the 3 carb meals and 3 fat meals? Or just have them all spread out over the 6 total meals I plan to have?

Otherwise, I’d be getting in over 50g of fat per P+F meal (assuming there are three of these per day) and that doesn’t make too much sense.

No Prob! Meal Breakdown Looks Like This…
Assuming Morning Workout…
3 P+C Meals then 3 P+F meals because your body handles carbs much better in the morning. If you workout midday or in the afternoon there is a different schedule to accommodate that. It gives you the carbs after the workout to aid in recovery.