Capoeira vs Boxing

Brutal beatdown!

Super old and this was for the movie never back down.

You know that’s from a movie, right?

Looks like a really lame movie scene. Anyone who was really any good at capoeira wouldn’t bother to do all of those useless cartwheel kicks and handstands that had no chance whatsoever of even landing. Actually a pure boxer might have a hard time against a good capoeira fighter, since many of the positions found in capoeira put the head and body in unfamiliar territory for a boxer and they wouldn’t be used to dealing with the kicks and sweeps found in capoeira.

Of course, fighters win fights, not styles. So it’s not like I’m saying that someone could just train capoeira for a few years and be able to beat a pro boxer or anything like that.

[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
Looks like a really lame movie scene. Anyone who was really any good at capoeira wouldn’t bother to do all of those useless cartwheel kicks and handstands that had no chance whatsoever of even landing. Actually a pure boxer might have a hard time against a good capoeira fighter, since many of the positions found in capoeira put the head and body in unfamiliar territory for a boxer and they wouldn’t be used to dealing with the kicks and sweeps found in capoeira.

Of course, fighters win fights, not styles. So it’s not like I’m saying that someone could just train capoeira for a few years and be able to beat a pro boxer or anything like that. [/quote]

Yep, best to avoid comparing the arts. A thread of that could be even more ugly than the fight itself. :wink:

I did capoeira a few years back (before switching to boxing). It’s a lot of fun. And the trainers don’t treat it like a martial art. Or a dance. It’s just capoeira.


That is stupid. This, however, is cool.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
That is stupid. This, however, is cool.

Anyone else laugh at 0:15?

Nah, didn’t know it’s from a movie, just seemed comical.

Excellent second vid though, FightingIrish. I’ve always had a problem with “foo-foo” martial arts, and that fight illustrates what I mean. Not comparing the arts, but rather the application most practionners choose to go with. Seems pretty lame nowadays compared to what I saw and did 15 years ago.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
That is stupid. This, however, is cool.

yup…cool…imagine how the boxer would have handled these guys bare-fisted. He would have taken the fight out of those guys with just his jab,

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
That is stupid. This, however, is cool.

This vid never gets old. Wonder if the karate kids changed their disciplines after catching these beatings?

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
That is stupid. This, however, is cool.

This vid never gets old. Wonder if the karate kids changed their disciplines after catching these beatings?[/quote]

It all goes back to training.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the way TMAs are/have been taught (at least in the west) recently, is that they display a kind of “We are so deadly and powerful” narcissism that doesn’t stand up in the real world. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the first time most of those karate kids who got their asses handed to them ever went full contact. I wouldn’t be surprised if they assumed that their first kick would drop their opponent.

That was the attitude at the place I studied Kung Fu for awhile, and THE WAY we were taught to think about Shotokan, from a very traditional “just off the boat” instructor.

[quote]Zen warrior wrote:
Nah, didn’t know it’s from a movie, just seemed comical.

Excellent second vid though, FightingIrish. I’ve always had a problem with “foo-foo” martial arts, and that fight illustrates what I mean. Not comparing the arts, but rather the application most practionners choose to go with. Seems pretty lame nowadays compared to what I saw and did 15 years ago.[/quote]

How has it changed? I always hear this, but few elaborate on it.

Why were white belts taking on challengers?

[quote]krazylarry wrote:
Why were white belts taking on challengers? [/quote]

Who the fuck knows. It’s Russia.

But, those boxers were also clearly beginners as well.

Whenever I see those old kungfu/karate vs. boxer videos, I always wonder why they always try to throw punches against a boxer. I guess game planning isn’t part of traditional martial arts.

Regarding capoeira… At one point I was practicing both capoeira and BJJ. We had a sparring group at school where different martial artists could meet. My mestre came to play with us once and he was just messing around with us, but couldn’t be touched or taken down (take downs are a huge part of advanced capoeira). Obviously as the saying goes, it’s the artist not the art. I’ll amend that to, any art works if you practice it to fight.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

[quote]Zen warrior wrote:
Nah, didn’t know it’s from a movie, just seemed comical.

Excellent second vid though, FightingIrish. I’ve always had a problem with “foo-foo” martial arts, and that fight illustrates what I mean. Not comparing the arts, but rather the application most practionners choose to go with. Seems pretty lame nowadays compared to what I saw and did 15 years ago.[/quote]

How has it changed? I always hear this, but few elaborate on it.[/quote]

My senseï wanted a job. Seriously.

He had a day job and taught Kenpo on evening, in a small dojo underneath an Italian restaurant. It was one of those crummy place with musty smelling, industrial gray carpet on the floor and concrete wall with little decoration. But he now has 10 dojos, with franchises bringing out a couple hundred grand a year, because he quit his job, and “democratized” his art by sissifying it so parents could have a nice little sweat in the same class as their kids. He started recommending heavy padding, full on protective gear and light contact, point-type fighting as before it was just short of full contact with minimal protection. The workout part of the class was also made way easier, as were the belt tests. Back then, if you made it and stuck with it, you knew you were a warrior. Now it’s classes are pussified and tests are no more than a formality.

It was gradual of course, but 3-4 years after I quit, I had a conversation with him and he told me all that, and added that he would send any of the students now in any kind of real fight, as opposed to when I started out with him.

That’s what I meant by “foo-foo fighting”: not actual value in the moves made, no “mental” impression of what a fight is, and how to confront someone who wants to freaking punch your face to a pulp, just nice choreographed moves than have no real use in any kind of situation.

[quote]Spartiates wrote:

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
That is stupid. This, however, is cool.

This vid never gets old. Wonder if the karate kids changed their disciplines after catching these beatings?[/quote]

It all goes back to training.

It does go back to training. These karate guys are fighting under sport rules. Notice at no time is there any attempts to take out a leg or sweep. The spinning stuff is exactly what you say it is chop suey nonsense. A problem is that styles tha train for sport have this problem. Some TMAs don’t use sport rules. Sport rules will become ingrained and boxers, because they train the way they fight will always beat a sport trained karateka.

Here’s a TMA stylist and a better way to compete. Notice the kicks to the legs and the sweeps.

By the way, the fighter is Andre Tippett a uechiryu stylist and an NFL hall of fame linebacker.

Can you recommend any instructionals? I’ve been using some Eddy Gordo rip-off capoeira stuff to set up takedowns in MMA sparring, but it’s very rudimentary. Just use cartwheels and rolls as an unconventional way to close distance and change angles on people. You go into a cartwheel, the last thing on most guys’ minds is defending a takedown.