I read that the ECLIA E2 test results are higher than the sensitive, maybe twice as high. I did a search just now and couldnt find where I read that or anything on that. IM curious what the experienced here think about that.
I started at 390 tt and now trough is 990 on 180mg a week cypionate, 500 hcg and mostly due to this forum and Excel male videos I decided to not take the Ai I was given until seeing how my body would react to adding testosterone.
My E2 was 8 using the ECLIA test as thats what they use and I thought from reading, that that could be as low as 4 if it were the sensitive test. Another reaason I just decided to forego it mostly. I did take 3 doses of .25 at times I worried or felt weird, maybe stupid but whatever.
My E2 ECLIA came back at 36.4 today and while that is not what those here say is optimal, seems like an ok # with 990 TT and maybe could even be lower 20’s, perhaps meaning I should continue not taking my Ai. The ECLIA test says ranges are up to 42.6
My SHBG was 30.3 and is now 30 , so Im not low or high, it seems.
My free test went from 8.27 to to what the doc said today was 30, yet I have no Albumin test so cant equate that myself.
MY T4 was 1.48, TSH was 1.53 and LH was 4.5.
Everything else was in normal range according to labs.
My main question is about how the E2 tests may convert and I will eventually order a sensitive test on my own but am due back in 9 weeks for more bloods so I would like to continue doing what they test for now.
My 36.4 ECLIA seems like it would be mid- low 20’s sensitive by what i recall seeing.
After reading a ton, I was really surprised that I had almost 400TT when tested as I have a history of drug and alcohol abuse along with health food and exercise. I lifted and cycled (bicycle not steriod) hard as a vegan for 12 years when younger, then went fat shit, bought a house, built a business, “no time to exercise”, drink for sorrow, what happened to my penis not working well, etc.
I had a lot of fat around the middle and was pretty weak, Always depressed, yet I had quit drinking almost a year ago and take no other drugs. All helped by taking kratom, which some no less will have an opinion on but has been an amazing wonder for a depressed, tired drug and alcohol addict.
Within a month, I had become another person, I read this is rare and maybe because I already have a good diet, dont do much bad and my work is getting to early partial retirement. I work a couple hours a day now in my early 40’s and will turn it back up after a rest this year to try and push for super early real retirement.
Second month is off the charts for me, sex everyday with my 17 year wife, sometimes twice and throw in a some masturbation. Morning wood just starting to happen periodically. My lifting is back almost to where I was 10 years ago. I got to the point where I was really strong for me and was starting to feel it in my joints, especially both elbows. I think that may have lead to less working out, also getting on xanax for real anxiety. that stuff sucks for being motivated.
Im waiting for the bad sides and not expecting an uptrend for ever but hoping gains in all areas continue like this for a while.
Oh and also my hct was 42 before, I gave blood once and its 44.5 or something like that. It was almost 50 if your hemoglobin multiplied is a proper way to estimate it. So it went up. My doc says donate every couple months. Thankfully I have a red cross in walking distance and I guess it helps people, if its not just going to vampires, which is ok with me too.
I hope this isnt too rambly as thats how my brain works and not so good at putting the thoughts back in order.
Any advice is welcome too. Ive read every forum daily since before I started and lots of issue sto happen I know so just trying to learn as much theory/science as I can in order to keep myself on a decent road.