Hey guys,
I know a few of you have helped me out on this forum but i truly need some peace of mind that everything will be alright.
My last cycle was in late 2015 and i havent been right since.
I didn’t think anything of it for almost 2 years and was living the best i could. However i was unfulfilled living low quality of life, anxious, TIRED, etc etc etc.
I finally considered that things could be wrong with my body around September 2017, as if having a limp penis for most of the time didn’t spark concern enough before hand.
I’ve been doing everything in my power since to get back.
My body has this knack for responding well towards a new substance only for it to not work again.
I took toremifene back in the fall of 2017. For 3 days everything was fine and then it stopped working again.
I took HCG for the first time in February 2018 after meeting a uro that has dealt with steroids before; first 250 iu shot i felt great but nothing worked again afterwards.
I decided to try trt but started off doing a cycle and for 3 weeks i was feeling good down there till things tapered off, this really had me start to panic; although around 8 weeks i did have one episode of strong libido but it didn’t last long.
I hopped off trt because i found out my t3 was low so i thought that maybe the culprit.
I Hired a homeopath who changed up my diet. Maybe this was in my head, but i thought my erections were getting better the first week but once again it tapered.
I did trt again in Nov for only about 4 weeks (too short i know) then hopped on HGH for the t3 conversion. I started to feel good around 2 weeks in and then about 10 days after things went down again.
Now I’ve accepted my fate of trt since i found out my free t is always low regardless of how how my normal T gets.
I understand that trt can take time to work but since ive always responded quickly in the past, why would it be this slow and crawling progressions now?
It truly feels like a cruel twist of fate at this point. Should i be encouraged by the signs of libido knowing that maybe my body just needs time to figure itself out, or should i be considered since it always seems to fail.
I want to live my best life, meet girls and all that good shit, but its pretty damn difficult when you have half a working penis and no combination gives you consistency.
Does anybody relate or have any similar circumstances that they had gotten through like mine. Is this truly reversible?
Waiting on bloods and will update next week.
Thanks for any stories and advice!