[quote]doubleh wrote:
??? You said
I’m eating roughly 19-20x bodyweight and losing fat.
and then
I’m not in a calorie deficit, I just have figured out how much cardio I need to do and how to eat to lose fat while I still move up in muscular size.
This is impossible unless you are a newbie who just started lifting, or you have your diet nailed to such precision as to be awe-inspiring (through calorie waving). You cannot lose fat without a caloric deficit, and you certainly cannot put on much muscular size - but you are doing both? Come on man, cut the BS.
Anywho, his intial issue was with grams of protein needed vs total caloric intake. I said he doesn’t need 3500 cals a day and I stick to it, UNLESS as I said he’s running marathons every week or has the metabolism of a greyhound. Sure, he could eat 20+ x BW and gain, but he’d gain lots of fat too. The cals have to go somewhere.
I’m trying to give him useful numbers he can use. True, we can’t say for sure exactly what he needs, but we can come up with some fairly accurate ballpark numbers, or better yet steer him to where he can, which I did. Saying he should eat “whatever it takes for him to progress” is not very helpful.
I’m not going to continue talking about myself, that won’t help the OP, but I will say that I am growing larger(the scale and the mirror shows it) and I am losing fat(my belt and the mirror again tells me) , impossible is not a good word to use in a realm like this.
My issue with your advice was perhaps 3500(which I don’t consider all that much) would be a good set point for him to make adjustments from. Eat 3500 for a month, measure the waist step on the scale take pictures etc and evaluate from there. If his waist grew more than he liked then maybe scale back the food, carbs, or increase/start cardio. If he wasn’t growing bump something up, calories, PWO carbs, less cardio etc.
I just don’t like seeing advice like “No that’s wrong”(paraphrasing obviously) because this isn’t a black and white issue. For all we know we are talking to the textbook example of an ecto who burns calories up at an alarming rate and will need to slam down the food to gain. We need to set people up on a self reliant experimentation type plan instead of throwing out right or wrongs. That’s just my opinion on how this should be treated
Edit: I’m a believer in big time eating and cleaning up the possible fat gains with cardio and food combinations, Berardi does that as well and plug in some numbers to this and you will see the OP might not be totally off
I did 165 15% bodyfat, 60 minutes intense free weight training moderately active, moderate protein, and got about 3900 calories