[quote]Professor X wrote:
bulkingup1 wrote:
hi folks,
I got a short question on caloric intake.
I am around the iron game for some time now-but one thing I never get:
I read a lot of the T-Nation’s articles and they have all one thing in common-If you want to grow-you have to EAT MORE than your daily caloric balance.
That is absolut not logical for me!
When I need a daily caloric amount of about 3500 calories (the training included)and I eat MORE than that-lets say 4000 calories-I consume MORE energy I need-it will be changed in bodyfat.
When you eat under your caloric needs you will loose weight.
When you eat above your caloric needs you will add weight and hell yeah it will be fat and ONLY fat-because the energy you don?t is stored in fat.
I don?t get the clue why this should be working
What isn’t logical is why this is hard for someone to understand when they claim they have been lifting “for some time now”. If you want to gain muscle, where do you think that extra muscle will come from if you are ONLY eating enough to maintain bodily functions? If breathing, eating, farting, walking, blinking, and scratching take up 3,000cals a day for you, guess what? You won’t be gaining a damn thing unless you INCREASE that amount.
All of that weight lifting you have been doing “for some time now”? Yeah, that would be to promote your muscles to feel the need to grow as adaptation to stress. That means that if you are training hard, you will not simply gain fat from increasing calories. If you eat more and simply sit on your ass all day, yes, you will gain fat. The difference is TRAINING.
Thank you prof x.
“Some time” means about 5 years.
I started with 73 inces (186cm) and 143 pounds and now I am at 73 inches and 190 pounds.(86kg)
In this time I trained with a lots of plans and had meals I wanted.
Now I want to change sth.with my nutrion for more results.
Nutrition is not my special friend thats why I have these stupid newb questions;)