I am interested in entering a meet somewhere in TX this spring or summer, and was looking for advice on quality federations/meets to enter. I wouldn’t mind doing a RAW meet (little easier on the gear budget), but just looking for some direction from some vets.
NICE! Check out powerliftingwatch.com, or the usapl website to see if you can find one. Or try the texas usapl’s site because not all meets are listed sometimes on the other sites.
Texas is fuckign huge! ANd they like to lift down there. I’m sure you can find a meet close to you whether its in one federation or the other that you can get into. USAPL is the only one I’ve competed in and they are kinda sticklers but they are in Denver. Good luck!
I’m spankin’ new to PL (and nowhere near TX) and have been doing a lot of research myself so I don’t have any knowledge of “quality” federations, but I do know that USAPL raw nationals is in Killeen, TX-so it may be worth looking into. Good luck!
USAPL is huge in Texas.
Personally, I like USAPL because it’s the strictest fed and drug tests. Most feds don’t.
Brute: NASA is also big here in the Denver area.
USAPL is very big in Texas. If you want to PM me I will give you some names of people who may be able to help you out.
is nasa the one with the curling though? the strict curl strange?
[quote]brute_fury wrote:
is nasa the one with the curling though? the strict curl strange?[/quote]
Yep, NASA has the curl. But not everyone does it. They call that “power sports,” I believe. NASA also [sometimes] has a monolift and allows knee wraps for raw squats. Also, no “start” command for the bench. Some really nice girls in the area compete NASA. I may do one of their meets sometime.