Yes indeed, yes indeed. Fellow T-Nation’ers gather round. We have ourselves another call out. The nature of this particular abomination involves a feud with an out of house player named Julian. There is a lot to know about this guy but firstly I’ll have you know that he received his training foundations from, squats with his shoes on and is a self proclaimed personal trainer… 'nuff said.
After a series of comments he made to me in the gym I suggested we do a call out online to see who has the better physique. He graciously agreed, being very confident that he being ‘ripped’ would win and me being ‘fat’ would lose.
Below will be the first series of pictures. I was going to post the pictures celtic style (side by side) but thought against it.
One of us is 150lbs and the other is 220lbs. We’re both the same height…it might be hard to tell which one is which.
If by better physique you mean more aesthetic and probably more likely to get laid by highschool girls, he wins.
If by better you mean who is stronger, and has more muscular development you win.
If by win you mean which of you isn’t slightly homo for arguing over who has a better body, then asking guys online to rate said bodies so that you can finally end a pointeless debate, then I say you both lose.
So remember. All we are looking for is an honest opinion of who has a better physique. Maybe a tip here or there. I explained to Julian that people on this site are really passionate and knowledgeable about working out.