Just had a rude awakening, I’m moving out to San Diego in a couple months (USMC officer, headed to Camp Pendleton), and have discovered that CA has ridiculous gun laws. Am I right in thinking that there is no way I can own an AR or even a handgun with more than a ten round magazine in that state? Can I leave it at a gun range or something, is that legal? Any ways around this?
Easy, don’t tell anyone. You can have any size mag you want, realistically, there is no way they can prove that you didn’t have it before the ban. Just don’t take it to the range. If you already have CA illegal “hi-capacity” mags, nobody will give a shit, as long as you’re not out at the range blowing off 30 round bursts.
If you don’t already have them, contact your friends who live out of state, have them buy it, and then mail it to you. Done. Or, hell, if you haven’t moved yet, buy them yourself.
They can try all they want, but realistically, to hold such a retarded standard on stupid shit like mag capacity it is literally impossible. Especially with mail, and not to mention Arizona is right next door. Go to AZ, buy 30 round mags with cash (for obvious paper trail reasons), come back. problem solved. its not like they have armed guards at the cali/az border searching through every bag you come back with. and even if they did, with a military ID you’d get nothing but a wave as you drove by.
You think mag capacity is stupid, just wait, next year, you won’t even be allowed to order ammunition through the mail…like, literally, starting 2011, no mail ordered ammo.
The whole magazine thing is just so fucking retarded. Like my .45 with a 10 round mag can’t kill AS BAD as the 12 round mag. give me a break. if your target takes more than 12 bullets to kill in the first place, you fail at shooting. either that, or you’re hunting dinosaurs.
[quote]Hyena wrote:
Easy, don’t tell anyone. You can have any size mag you want, realistically, there is no way they can prove that you didn’t have it before the ban…[/quote]
Very incorrect. Manufacturers either have a date stamp on the magazine or change the location or design of text to indictate if it’s pre-ban or post ban.
[quote] Just don’t take it to the range. If you already have CA illegal “hi-capacity” mags, nobody will give a shit, as long as you’re not out at the range blowing off 30 round bursts.
If you don’t already have them, contact your friends who live out of state, have them buy it, and then mail it to you. Done. Or, hell, if you haven’t moved yet, buy them yourself.[/quote]
You’re giving more illegal advice on a public forum. Please stop.
GDollars, go sign in at ar15.com and ask questions in the California Hometown forum. They also have tacked threads that go into detail about California “assault weapon” law.
Illegal advice on a public forum? as if the entire “steroids” forum isn’t the exact same thing?
Who cares anyway? You think the FBI is gonna hunt me down?
The only thing illegal here is the government limiting what I can and can’t own for self defense.
The second amendment doesn’t say “The right to keep and bear arms, as long as they aren’t fully automatic, and the magazines aren’t over 10 rounds, and they don’t fire rounds that are TOO big, and they aren’t concealable, yada yada yada” it says that right “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”
They aren’t playing by the rules, why should we?
[quote]Hyena wrote:
Illegal advice on a public forum? as if the entire “steroids” forum isn’t the exact same thing?
Who cares anyway? You think the FBI is gonna hunt me down?
The only thing illegal here is the government limiting what I can and can’t own for self defense.
The second amendment doesn’t say “The right to keep and bear arms, as long as they aren’t fully automatic, and the magazines aren’t over 10 rounds, and they don’t fire rounds that are TOO big, and they aren’t concealable, yada yada yada” it says that right “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”
They aren’t playing by the rules, why should we?[/quote]
Because they make the rules?
(PWI in ten, nine…)
Now this might not be the case anymore, but I had an old Sergeant Major tell me that when he lived in the barracks he had to store all of his weapons in the company arms room. Perhaps something like that is an option for you.
[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
[quote]Hyena wrote:
Easy, don’t tell anyone. You can have any size mag you want, realistically, there is no way they can prove that you didn’t have it before the ban…[/quote]
Very incorrect. Manufacturers either have a date stamp on the magazine or change the location or design of text to indictate if it’s pre-ban or post ban.
[quote] Just don’t take it to the range. If you already have CA illegal “hi-capacity” mags, nobody will give a shit, as long as you’re not out at the range blowing off 30 round bursts.
If you don’t already have them, contact your friends who live out of state, have them buy it, and then mail it to you. Done. Or, hell, if you haven’t moved yet, buy them yourself.[/quote]
You’re giving more illegal advice on a public forum. Please stop.
GDollars, go sign in at ar15.com and ask questions in the California Hometown forum. They also have tacked threads that go into detail about California “assault weapon” law.
Thank you, I’ll get on that this weekend.
I just moved out to San Deigo myself. I’m in the reserves now so I keep all my stuff at home. You can keep all your stuff, it just can’t be “functional” while in Cali. Basically disasemble all hi-cap mags(buy one 10rd if you plan to shoot off base) and modify your AR. In cali that means you’ll have to get a device that will basically lock in your mag. (yeah, stupid rule) If you have a collapsable stock, you’ll prob have to remove it as well.
Here’s an example, I like it cause you can switch it to function normally when you leave cali.
Of course you can also keep your stuff in an armory on base you just have less access to it and some places you need the CO’s approval to check out your own guns. To prevent sucides and such. CA does not go on base to enforce gun laws.
Also if you currently have a CCL, it’s not valid in cali. You can get one in cali, but you’ll need to change your state redensiy and write a good justification for it. It’s up to each county on who gets issued one.