Hello guys. I have prepared the software. I just need numbers to display you correct values
I make these assumption to calculate
Lets say propionate 100mg has 70mg testosterone and has half life of 48 hours
So at day mark 2, it will become 50mg and release 50mg into the blood in 2 days
So in day 1, it will release into the blood 25mg and since it has 70% testosterone ratio, you will get 17.5mg in day 1
When the day 3 comes, it will become 50mg and it will release this time 12.5mg into the blood instead of 25. So you will get 8.75mg testosterone in day 3 and day 4
Probably releases are not linear like this but i think it should work out
So What values i need right now?
Currently I am calculating for Sustanon
It has these esters
So i need ester half life and the amount of testosterone it contains for per 100mg
Testosterone propionate : half life 4.5 days , testosterone ratio?
Testosterone phenylpropionate : half life ? , testosterone ratio?
Testosterone isocaproate : half life ? , testosterone ratio?
Testosterone decanoate : half life ? , testosterone ratio?
I have found the values here > https://steroidcalc.com/about.html
So according to those values here the full output > PCT sustanon - Google Sheets
So it is said that average male body produces 7mg testosterone per day and active biological half life of testosterone is 2-4 hours according to wikipedia
So we can assume that we should start PCT once the daily release of testosterone into body after below 7mg per day
It gets below 7mg per day at day 22 mark
Which explains why start PCT after 3 weeks scientifically