They are looking to ban anything that can promote muscle gain, (some high quality proteins) Australia, the UK have already done this. What do you think the chances of hot-rox being apart of the ban, along with the rest of the biotest line…
“They are looking to ban anything that can promote muscle gain, (some high quality proteins)”
wtf? do they want us all to turn into metros or something?
"wtf? do they want us all to turn into metros or something? "
Yeah ^^
you’ve got to be kidding me? wtf is next? Banning freeweights and we all work out at Curves?
quit copying and pasting. They have no grounds to ban hot rox yet.
It is sad. I was talking to my friend who lives in Australia and they, for a while now, pulled myoplex… i mean come on…
he has been following what is going on over here and said to me that it is exactly how it started there…
What do you mean? They haven’t banned high quality protein here.
man that pisses me off, where did you hear this from?
what have they already banned in the UK?
Sadly that is probably exactly what they would like.
Soon we will be subjected to nothing but soy as are source of protein and all power racks and free weights will be replaced with the bow flex. We will be forced to raise are own cattle hidden in the cellar along side our home gyms.
Hope meat is safe.
Too broad…never happen.
I’ve got a simple alternative high quality protein source. All you have to do is revert to cannabalism and prey on the politicians who are bringing these laws about. I’m sure most of us have seen these fat cocksuckers on TV, shouldn’t be hard to bring one down. Like lions on a gazelle:-)
dcrosswell, I disagree. From the article:
“But the FDA is citing a seldom-used provision of that law that defines as a dietary supplement natural ingredients that were on the market before 1994 – and says manufacturers must prove that any new ingredients are safe before selling them as supplements.”
So unless the ingredients in Hot Rox, Red Kat, etc. were being sold before 1994 it sounds to me like the FDA can ban them if they want. Hopefully there are studies somewhere that can prove them safe.
This is f"%*ing stupid. It will get to the point where you can get AAS easier than protein powder!
Like Thailand.
To piss you off even more. All they are doing is banning things so the drug co’s can make money off of them. Merk is already going to have a asthma drug that is nothing more but… wait for it… ephedrien
This is why I going back to the dark side
Brave New World.
~All you have to do is revert to cannabalism and prey on the politicians who are bringing these laws about. I’m sure most of us have seen these fat cocksuckers on TV~
Too fuckin fat…I mean how much lean meat could you get outta one of those bastards anyways?
I revert back to my original opinion on VIAGRA thats a performance enhancer those fat fucks will never do away with cuz so many of those limp dicks need it…
If they start talikng about banning protein i will personally start another civil war!
Is this the real thing for the andro ban? As long as the supplement companies can prove it safe, it can stay as a legal supplement.
You can bet, the supplement companies are researching this around the clock. Let andro stay with us!