Due to excessive study plus work, i cant seem to maintain a specific diet to reach my cals (was hoping to carb cycle). Does anyone bulk without counting calories and if so, how effective has it been?
Im thinking about just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner (whole foods) plus a shake PWO (remove on off days) and before bed. Keeping whole milk at 2L (half a gallon a day) and i suppose eating some nuts throughout the day just until uni finishes in 8 weeks. Actually this is sounding easier as i type =)
More meals less milk. If your going the extreme non counting bulk route I suggest this. Buy some wipey’s because you should be shitting around 3x a day. If your not eating till you puke at least once a day your not pushing yourself. ALso don’t eat when your hungry. eat when your not full! You always want to have a full stomach and train hard.
I gained around 21 pounds naturally in two months doing this. But I took a pic of myself with a shirt off and looked like a fatass so I stopped and have been re-body comping. Sure I gained alot and my strength was higher than ever but I wouldn’t recommend this. It just leads to being out of shape and a bunch of bright colored new stretch marks. Not to mention it’s not fun puking which in my first month I literally puked my meal 3 times.
My suggestion: count your cals. Know what you eat. Bodybuilding is always taken to extremes by the nature of it but it doesn’t have to be. Seems like we’re either eating till we puke or starving ourselves. Eat about 500 cals higher than maintenance don’t do cardio and lift. You’ll gain a good 5 lbs a month without getting out of hand like i did.
I don’t count calories. I’m on a succesful cutting cycle too. I know how much I need to eat to lose weight or gain it.
Get to know the amount of food you need to gain or lose, and you won’t need to count calories.
I really wanna emphasize that you need to know how your body works if you wanna put on as little fat as possible. Next time around I bulk, I don’t wanna have to cut for 6 months…it sucks and it’s valuable time I could be trying to put on mass.
[quote]pro-a-ggression wrote:
Due to excessive study plus work, i cant seem to maintain a specific diet to reach my cals (was hoping to carb cycle). Does anyone bulk without counting calories and if so, how effective has it been?
Im thinking about just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner (whole foods) plus a shake PWO (remove on off days) and before bed. Keeping whole milk at 2L (half a gallon a day) and i suppose eating some nuts throughout the day just until uni finishes in 8 weeks. Actually this is sounding easier as i type =)
Anyone else do this and not count? [/quote]
I know it’s fun to not count and eat like a pig but don’t do it. I have done it and I gained too much fat.I eated 4500-5000 clean calories per day for the last 10 month. I went from skinny 160 to 200 lbs with abs almost disappeared. I guess approximately that at least 50% of this weight is muscle.
Dieting suck. Lol I am doing get shredded diet and I am fucking hungry (even with the HOT-ROX. last night I made this picture. I was fucking hungry
I know it’s fun to not count and eat like a pig but don’t do it. I have done it and I gained too much fat.I eated 4500-5000 clean calories per day for the last 10 month. I went from skinny 160 to 200 lbs with abs almost disappeared. I guess approximately that at least 50% of this weight is muscle.
Dieting suck. Lol I am doing get shredded diet and I am fucking hungry (even with the HOT-ROX. last night I made this picture. I was fucking hungry[/quote]
Why do you think that not counting calories = eating like a pig?
I know it’s fun to not count and eat like a pig but don’t do it. I have done it and I gained too much fat.I eated 4500-5000 clean calories per day for the last 10 month. I went from skinny 160 to 200 lbs with abs almost disappeared. I guess approximately that at least 50% of this weight is muscle.
Dieting suck. Lol I am doing get shredded diet and I am fucking hungry (even with the HOT-ROX. last night I made this picture. I was fucking hungry
Why do you think that not counting calories = eating like a pig?[/quote]
[quote]pro-a-ggression wrote:
Due to excessive study plus work, i cant seem to maintain a specific diet to reach my cals (was hoping to carb cycle). Does anyone bulk without counting calories and if so, how effective has it been?
Im thinking about just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner (whole foods) plus a shake PWO (remove on off days) and before bed. Keeping whole milk at 2L (half a gallon a day) and i suppose eating some nuts throughout the day just until uni finishes in 8 weeks. Actually this is sounding easier as i type =)
Anyone else do this and not count? [/quote]
I’ll make this real simple. Shoot for at least 2X lean body weight in protein. Adjust carbs to how you can handle them. Go high on days you workout. Drop carbs some on days off/doing cardio. Yet protein shall remain constant. Cut carbs off in the evening (unless you workout at this time). Adjust this “carb cutoff time” if you’re insanely skinny and can getaway with a lot of carbs.
Last meal or two of day should be protein+veggies+good fats. Just go with your intuition. If your muscles are looking flat/glyocegen depleted. up your carbs, keep them full. So you can bring it in the gym consistently.
Where’ bulking here to gain muscle at a good moderate pace. Not doing rocket science ffs.
Also if your around 20 % bf like your profile says. You should really consider hitting up some cardio a couple times a week. Make yourself a fuckin blast furnace that eats big and keeps fat minimal.
Green tea+cardio+carb cut offs and you’ll be fine.
question: if u do cardio and train and are eating way above ur maintenance but burning it off till ur just gaining is it more beneficial.
maintenance 4000, to gain 4300cals.
eat 5000 cals but do cardio as well and burn 700cals. Do you think its better for your body to get the excess nutrients though burning off those excess cals?
I counted calories when I used the Anabolic Diet so I have a pretty decent grasp on what most things add up to. I keep a very loose tally in my head sometimes, but generally don’t bother.
If I’m hungry I eat a lot of food, lots of protein, and I’ve been gaining weight pretty steadily lately.
[quote]pro-a-ggression wrote:
question: if u do cardio and train and are eating way above ur maintenance but burning it off till ur just gaining is it more beneficial.
maintenance 4000, to gain 4300cals.
eat 5000 cals but do cardio as well and burn 700cals. Do you think its better for your body to get the excess nutrients though burning off those excess cals?
maintenance 4000, to gain 4300cals.
eat 4300cals and dont do cardio?
You’re really overthinking this. Just do some cardio 2-3 times a week. preferably in the morning with a small meal or protein shake in your stomach. 20-30 minutes. The way I see it if you don’t have a physical job and aren’t real active. Cardio will be beneficial in a bulk
Keeps your metabolism revving, which increases hunger thus allowing you to eat a little more versus not doing cardio
Keep fat gain to a minimum(you’ll never avoid some fat gain fully, yet you can keep your bf around a comfortable level at least)
I’ll give you a good example of what I mean, that I learned from another forum. Sumo wrestlers for instance sit on their ass and eat huge amounts of food. Yes they’re fat but most do carry a shit load of muscle compared to the average person under that fat. Now imagine if you took another person, had him eat like a sumo wrestler, do cardio, carb cut offs and lift like an animal. End result? A big relatively lean mofo.