Gaining Weight the Best Way

This may sound pretty silly to some of you, but here goes.

I wanna gain weight as most of you guys do in the form of muscle. Im not afraid of gaining fat with muscle as long as Im gaining muscle. Ive been huvering around 215 for 2 months now, my lifts hae all been increasing, but I still need more size.

I want to go about bulking in the best way possible, so here are a few questions.

  1. When you guys bulk is the majority of your food clean or do you eat some shit food to get in extra calories.

  2. Should I count cals, or eat when im hungry, eat till im full?

  3. How many meals should I eat. I’ll give you a sample diet that I’ve been adhereing too, kinda.

Cereal- I know its shit, fish oil

Lunch- Meat sandwhich, carrots, apple, 2 chicken raps, or 2 turkey sanwhiches from school on whole wheat.

Lunch 2- 3-4 whole eggs, potato,multivitamin, vitman b, fish oil. Some peanut butter, an apple.

Pre workout- Protein shake

post workout- protein shake and some simple carbs (bread)

Dinner- A variety of meet, potatos or rice, vegetable, fish oil. I eat a lot

Before bed, fruit, rolled up cold cuts. maybe icaecream, or cake.

I eat like this almost eeryday except for the weekends when i have a larger breakfast. going to high school my food choices are kinda limited so i at least make sure to get in about 1-1.5grams protein per pound bodyweight. Please give me some advice.

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
This may sound pretty silly to some of you, but here goes.

I wanna gain weight as most of you guys do in the form of muscle. Im not afraid of gaining fat with muscle as long as Im gaining muscle. Ive been huvering around 215 for 2 months now, my lifts hae all been increasing, but I still need more size.

Please give me some advice.


I made a thread just a minute ago that has your name written ALL over it. It’ll be called Your Ultimate Goal? or something like that.