Well, i’m a 21 year old college student. 6’1" 174-177lbs or so, depending on the day. I’m going to school to be a cop, so i want to bulk up big time, i would like to get to about 193 or so by the end of the school year, i know its some lofty expectations, but i know i can do it and have the motivation.
I would just like some good advice and some help on my workout routine, i think i do too many lifts and i know i need to eat alot…alot more. I’ve always been a skinny guy my entire life and have never been able to easily gain weight, so i know food has to become my best friend. I usually go to the gym anywhere from 50-90 mins, i tend to stay away from cardio because i want to put on mass, but any help would be appreciated…here is what i tend to do.
Bench (8x6x4x2x max reps)
2 seperate chest lifts, 8x3
3 seperate shoulder lifts, 8x3
3 seperate tricep lifts, 8x3
Legs (squats, deadlifts, leg extention)
Biceps (curls multiple ways)
(I rotate the lifts each week, i.e. week 2 would be legs, bic, fore, abs on mon/weds/fri and chest and whatnot on tues/thurs)
same as above, i tend to do about 2-3 lifts of each body part with about 8 reps
I obviously know i need to be eating more, but should i cut down on my different lifts and reps and do more sets…say 5x5? Like i stated, i’m not worried about being cut, i just want to see the weight gain along with strength gains.
I’m having a hard time gaining weight or putting anything on, but i can notice strength gains, i’ve been doing this routine for about a month now. I do take 2 protein shakes, one before and one after my workout.
Thanks for any advice