Hi Coach,
I’ve been reading more on your neurotyping and a lot of things are starting to make sense for me. I am a 1B with maybe some 2A. Built for Battle is how I need to train to stay motivated. While I was doing it I was always looking forward to training and I was able to stay focused through the whole workout. I’ve done some other programs like The Complete Power Look but find myself getting bored after about two weeks so the rest periods get longer and then exercises start changing so it’s not really the program anymore. I admittedly get bored doing sets of high reps , like I’ll stop after 12 or so pullups because I’m bored. With BFB I get right into it and if anything my rest periods are too short because I just want to crush the workout. Is there anyway to alter it to make it more of a long term training style? I also loved the original Built for Bad and was able to do that for 7 weeks although the 7th week was a bit of a stalemate. I do like the accessory work in Built for Battle and the five days of training. Would taking a neuro charge week periodically help? I have also done well with Look like Bodybuilder Perform like an Athlete. Would alternating between these two every so many weeks be doable? Also if it matters I am on trt and lead a pretty low stress lifestyle.