18:30 warm up, then
Bench 9x57.5kg superset with dips 5xbodyweight
Wide grip chin 4xbodyweight, straight to pull ups 2xbodyweight, straight to narrow grip pull ups 1xbodyweight.
Warm up on elliptical
Giant set of
Single leg leg extension 8x35kg
Leg curl 6x42.5kg
Leg press 20x125kg
Hammer Strength incline 8x50kg
Cable pullover 6x31kg
Hammer strength seated row 7x50kg
M/c seated press 4x35kg
Kb halo 6x20kg
The entire time I was in the gym there was someone sitting at the lat machine having a conversation on their phone. It reminded me of one time in the gym I started out at, a big guy came in and leaned against the wall talking. After a while the gym owner asked him “How tall are you?”, “6’5"” was the answer, to which the gym owner shouted “Stop talking and lift some *****ng weight you 6’5” ****!". I miss those days
18:15 Warm up, then
Bench 10x57.5kg superset with
Dips 4xbodyweight
Wide grip chin 5xbodyweight giant set with
Pull ups 2xbodyweight giant set with
Narrow grip pull ups 1xbodyweight
Warm up, then
ATW’s 10x7.5kg, 12kg, 18kg, 24kg
Halo lunge 10x7.5kg, 12kg, 16kg
Pull up 4xbodyweight
Dips 15xbodyweight
Band pull apart 6x30lbs
Kb press 14x12kg
Warm up, then
Bench 3x57.5kg superset with
Dips 1xbodyweight
Wide grip chin up 2xbodyweight giant set with
Pull ups 1xbodyweight and
Negative pull up 30 seconds x bodyweight
Negative lateral 35 seconds x 7.5kg
Apart from the negatives all reps done at 10/5 speed which brought the number of reps down but should hep my joints feel better, getting a lot of niggling aches and pains at present.
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg Extension single leg 2x35kg 10/5
Leg curl 4x42.5kg 10/5
Leg press 4x125kg 10/5
Hammer incline 8x40kg, 2x60kg
Hammer seated row 8x40kg, 4x60kg
Cable pullover 8x28kg
Seated M/c press 12x20kg, 1,2x27.5kg
Warm up, then
Incline bench 3x50kg giant set with
Dips 1 and
Incline bench 1x45kg
Wide grip chins 2 giant set with
Pull ups 1 and
Negative wide grip chin 15 seconds
All reps at 10/5 speed.
Warm up then
Leg press 4x135kg
Leg ext 3x50kg
Leg curl 2x42.5kg
Hammer Strength incline 2x60kg
Hammer Strength seated row 2x60kg
Seated M/c press 4x27.5kg
Cable pullover 2x30kg
Narrow grip neutral chin 2
Warm up then
Incline 3,2x50kg supersets with
Neutral grip pull ups 2,1
Band pull apart 3x23lbs
All reps at 10/5 speed
Warm up on elliptical then
Leg extension 5x50kg 10/5
Leg curl 4x42.5kg 10/5
Squat 30/30/30x40kg 5x50kg 10/5
Calf raise 30x50kg
Single arm vertical curl bench 4x12.5kg 10/5
First time doing squats in a while.
Warm up, then
1arm kb press 3,3x12kg superset with
Wide chin up 2, 1
NG bench 3x45kg
All reps at 10/5 speed
Warm up then
A-T-W’s 5x7.5kg, 12kg, 18kg, 24kg superset with
Kb halo as above but only 3 reps with 24kg
Warm up, then
Incline bench 3x50kg superset with
Dips 1
Wide grip chin ups 2 giant set with
Pull ups 1 and
Negative wide grip chin up 20 seconds
Kickstand squats 5
Calf raises 25x12kg
Except for negative chins and calf raises all reps at 10/5 speed.
Kb halo
Warm up, then
Incline bench 2,1,1x57.5kg
Chin up 2xbodyweight, 1x7.5kg
Negative chin up 25 seconds 7.5kg
Negative lateral 30 seconds 7.5kg
BPA’s 2x23lbs
All reps apart form negatives at 10/5 speed
Warm up cross trainer, then
Leg press 4x130kg
Leg extension 4x50kg
Squat 4x60kg
Calf raise 30x60kg
Seated M/c press 3x30kg
Hammer seated row 3,1x40kg
Single arm curl 2x12.5kg
Wide drip chin up 1xbodyweight
Leg curl 3x42.5kg
All reps at 10/5 speed
04.09.24 warm up, then
Incline bench 1x57.5kg
Pull up 3xbodyweight
BPA’s 4x23lbs
All reps at 10/5 speed
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 3x50kg
Leg press 4x132.5kg
Leg curl 4x42.5kg
Seated M/c press 3x32.5kg
Hammer strength seated row 3x40kg
All reps at 10/5 speed.
10.09.24 warm up, then
Incline bench 1x57.5kg
Neutral grip pull up 2xbodyweight
BPA’s 2x28lbs
All reps at 10/5 speed
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 3x52.5kg
Leg press 2x135kg
Leg curl 5x42.5kg
Seated M/c press 2x5kg
Hammer strength seated row 4x40kg
All reps at 10/5 speed.
17.09.24 warm up, then
Incline bench 2x57.5kg
Neutral grip pull up 2xbodyweight
BPA’s 3x28lbs
All reps at 10/5 speed
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg press 5x135kg
Leg curl 4x42.5kg
Seated M/c press 3x35kg
Hammer strength seated row 4x42.5kg
Leg extension 4x52.5kg
All reps at 10/5 speed.
Leg extension was done last because it was in use.
21.09.24 warm up, then
Incline bench 2x57.5kg
Neutral grip pull up 3xbodyweight
BPA’s 3x28lbs
All reps at 10/5 speed
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 5x55kg
Leg press 2x135kg
Leg curl 3x45kg
Seated M/c press 1x37.5kg
Hammer strength seated row 4x45kg
All reps at 10/5 speed.
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 4x55kg
Leg press 2x135kg
Leg curl 4x45kg
Seated M/c press 2x37.5kg
Hammer strength seated row 3x47.5kg
All reps at 10/5 speed.
Warm up, then
Incline bench 1x57.5kg
Neutral grip chin 2
Band pull apart 3x28lbs
All reps 10/5 speed
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 3x57.5kg
Leg press 4x135kg
Leg curl 3x47.5kg
Seated M/c press 2x37.5kg
Hammer strength seated row 3x47.5kg
All reps at 10/5 speed.
Warm up, then
Incline bench 1x57.5kg
Neutral grip chin 2
Band pull apart 3x28lbs
All reps 10/5 speed
19.10.24 Walrus session
Warm up, then 5 circuits of
Dips 10xbodyweight
Pull ups 5xbodyweight
Goblet squats 20x24kg
25 minutes to complete, felt like doing something different for a change.
Warm up, then
Incline bench 2x57.5kg
Neutral grip chin 2
Band pull apart 2x30lbs
All at 10/5 speed.
Warm up on cross trainer, then
Leg extensions 3x57.5kg
Roman chair squat 30/10
Leg curl 3x47.5kg
Hammer seated row 3x47.5kg
Seated M/c press 2x37.5kg
All reps at 10/5 speed except Roman chair squat which was 30 secs down and 10 up. Was aiming for 30/30/30 on that but not even close.
Warm up, then circuits
Dips 12,12,10,8,8 bodyweight
Chins 4,4,2,2,2 bodyweight
Floor to halo 8,8,8,8,8x18kg
Total time 22 mins
Airdyne bike 30calories x3
Hammer seated row 10x40kg, 50kg, 50kg
Seated M/c press 8,7,5x30kg
Leg press 10,12,14x130kg
Took 25 mins. Legs and triceps were wrecked at the end, couldn’t walk in a straight line coming out of the gym.
warm up, then circuits of
Dips 10,10,10,10,8
Chins 3,3,3,2,2
Floor to halo 8,8,8,8,5x18kg
All of the above with a 2kg vest, completely ran out of steam on the last set. Time 22 mins.
Warm up, then EMOM circuits
Incline bench 5,3,3,3x57.5kg
Pull ups 5,4,3,3x2kg
Floor to halo 3,3,3,3x24kg
Circuit 2
Goblet curl 8,9,10x18kg
BPA’s 8,10,10x23lbs
1 leg calf raise 12,12,12x12kg