Hammer incline, lower half reps 12x60kg, upper half reps 6x60kg
Pecdec top half reps 18x57kg, lower half reps 3x57kg
Lateral raise top half reps 16x5kg, lower half 6x5kg
Pushdown 20x25kg 5x30kg
Roman chair squats 20
Leg press 10/10/10 125kg
Leg curl 10/10/10 42.5kg
20 min ruck 9kg
Kb A-t-w’s superset with halo 10x7.5kg, 12kg, 18kg, 24kg
Wide grip chin up 12, 6 +2kg
Bent arm pullover 9x50lbs
Band pull apart 18x36lbs
Bench curls 15, 10x 50lbs
Took only enough rest between exercises to set up and 10 breaths between sets of the same exercise.
Warm up on elliptical, then
Hammer strength incline press lower half reps 8,3x70kg
Pec Dec top half reps 12x57kg
Pushdown 10,3x30kg
Lateral raise top half reps 17x5kg
Leg press 10/10/10 132.5kg
Leg curl 10/10/10 45kg
20 minute ruck 10kg
ATW’s superset with halo 5x7.5kg, 12kg, 18kg, 24kg
Wide grip top half chins 12x2kg
Pullover 14x24kg
Band pull apart 40x23lbs
Bench curl 6,2x60lbs
Chins were done in a 6” range of motion, once I couldn’t get to the top worked down the range of motion until I couldn’t get out of the stretched position. Only counted the reps in the first range of motion. Knew I’d done something at the end of these.
Warm up, then
Leg press 10/10/10x135kg
Leg curl 10/8/10x45kg
Chest press 10/6/10x45kg
Pec dec 10/8/10x50kg
Pushdown 10/5/10x30kg
Lateral raise 12x5kg
Dips 5 bodyweight
Bike 40minutes including a fast downhill sprint away from a dog that raced out of an open gateway and tried to attack me. I’m beginning to think I must smell like dog food, walking to the dentist recently and a dog raced out of a property on the opposite side of the road, straight across the road and went for me. Hoping it’s not the start of a trend.
20minute ruck 11kg
ATW’s superset with halo 5x7.5kg, 12kg, 18kg, 24kg
Wide grip top half chins 14x2kg
Pullover 19x24kg
Band pull apart 7x30lbs
Bench curl 7x60lbs
Warm up then 6 rounds of the following with an 11.5kg vest
Goblet squat +18kg 20
Push up 6
Pull up 3
Total time 25 mins 45 seconds
Band pull apart 3x12 23lbs band
20 minute ruck 11kg
10 rounds of pull ups and dips +5kg
Pull ups5,5,5,4,2, then narrow grip 2,2,2,2,2
Dips 7,7,7,7,3,3,3,3,3,3
19 minutes.
Warm up, then
Pull ups 8 min AMRAP 18 x 11.5kg vest
Dips 8 min AMRAP 24 x 11.5kg vest
Goblet squat 8 min AMRAP 70 x 11.5kg vest + 24kg kb
Short on time due to one of the family being in hospital, decent short session though. Things are going to be a bit hectic for the next few weeks so the workouts will be as and when.
Hope they get well soon!
20 min ruck 11kg
Pull ups 8 min AMRAP 16x12kg
Dips 8 min AMRAP 22x12kg
Airdyne 4 min Tabata 65 calories
Cable pull over 6x25kg super set with
Neutral grip chins 2
Chest press 6x45kg
Seated press 6x25kg
20 min ruck 11kg
8 min AMRAP pullups 18x12kg
8 min AMRAP dips 30x12kg
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg press 50x102.5kg
Cable pullover 6x28kg
Seated row 4x60kg
Hammer Strength Incline 10,5,2x40kg
Hammer Strength seated row 10,5x50kg
Hammer equipment was used alternating arms with the static arm held in the contracted position.
20 min ruck 11kg
07:20 warm up then
Incline press 11x45kg
Wide grip chins 5
Floor to halo 10x18kg
12:58 warm up then
Incline press 12x45kg
Wide grip chins 6
Floor to halo 11x18kg
18:06 warm up then
Incline press 12x45kg
Floor to halo 12x18kg
06:49 warm up then
Tripod squats 20x24kg
Pull ups 5x5kg
Dips 10x5kg
13:08 warm up then
Tripod squats 20x24kg
Pull ups 6x5kg
Dips 12x5kg
15:00 warm up then
Tripod squat 20x24kg
Pull ups 6x5kg
Dips 14x5kg
20 min ruck 10kg
07:10 Warm up, then
Wide grip chins 5
Floor to halo 12x18kg
13:00 Warm up, then
Lower half goblet squat 50x12kg
Wide grip chins 6
Floor to halo 14x18kg
13:00 Warm up, then
Lower half goblet squat 50x18kg
Wide grip chins 5
Floor to halo 20x18kg
Warm up on cross trainer, then
Leg press 34x110kg
Leg curl 14x35kg
Hammer Strength incline 14, 4x40kg
Hammer Strength seated row 19x40kg, 4x50kg
Cable pullover 6x28.5kg
M/c seated press 6, 6x27.5kg
Left shoulder has been playing up again but seems to be recovering now.
06:30 20 minute ruck 13kg
13:15 pull-ups 6, 5x5kg, 4,3x7.5kg 4x2.5kg
15:20 Dips 10, 8x5kg, 8x10kg, 5x15kg, 5x7.5kg
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg press 50x110kg
Hyperextension 15
Hammer Strength incline press 16,3x40kg
Hammer Strength seated row 10,3x50kg
Cable pullover 6x28kg
M/c seated press 6x27.5kg
Kb halo 6x20kg
Legs were wrecked after the leg press.
06:00 13kg ruck 20mins
13:00 Pull ups 6xbodyweight, 5,3,2x7.5kg, 3x2.5kg
16:30 Dips, 10xbodyweight, 8x7.5kg, 8x12kg, 3x16kg, 5x7.5kg
Warm up, then
Bench 9x57.5kg superset with dips 4xbodyweight
Wide grip chin up 3xbodyweight superset with pull ups 1xbodyweight
Kb Halo 3x24kg
Lower half goblet squat 50x24kg
Misjudged the weight on halos.