I started lifting weights in the late 70’s and competed in powerlifting from ‘84 to ‘86 and again from ‘96 to 2000. After that I spent a few years as a powerlifting referee. In between the powerlifting years I concentrated on martial arts and I’ve a few injuries that I have to work around that I picked up over the years.
This year has been one bout of illness after another leaving me in the worst condition I’ve been in for some time (lighter, fatter and weaker), but that’s about to change.
Current stats
5’10” tall
16.4% body fat according to a handheld Omron device. I think that is reading very low but as long as it goes down over time that’s what counts.
I’m using this log to put some pressure on myself to make things happen.
Welcome to the forum and good on you for starting a log. I’ll be following along. Lots of great training logs and people on here to help along the way get involved and start a conversation.
Myself, Shotokan, American Kenpo, and Taekwondo which I studied in Korea but was never flexible enough to really stay with. Upper body attacks saved me. Agree on Akido.
Leg press 15 x 117.5Kg, 10 x 102.5Kg
Seated row 9 x 50Kg, straight into single arm 6 x 50Kg - felt much lighter single armed, probably due to the cams on the machine.
Chest press 8,2 x 50Kg - 10 second pause
Narrow grip chins 4 x bd
Cable pullover 10 x 16Kg, 10 x 21 Kg
Really disappointed with the leg press, hopefully strength will come back quickly.
Leg press 20 x 117.5Kg, 20 x 102.5Kg
Seated row 11 x 50Kg, straight into single arm row 6 x 57.5Kg
Chest press 11, 2 x 50Kg - 10 second pause
Cable pullover 2 x 10 x 21Kg
Triple drop leg curl 3 x 57.5Kg, 50Kg, 42.5Kg - misjudged the weight on this, was aiming for higher reps.
After warm ups
1 leg negative leg press 10 x 102.5kg
Leg press 20 x 117.5Kg
! arm low cable row 2 x 10 33Kg
Cable pull over 10, 8 x 23Kg
Chest Press 11 x 50 Kg
Seated Press 5 (10 breaths), 3 x 20Kg
Right knee still not right, pressing strength is pretty well useless. Really hungry about 20 minutes after this which I think is a good sign.
After warm ups
Seated Db Press 10, 12 x 12Kg, 4 x 16Kg
Chin ups 6,2,1 x bodyweight, took a pause of 10 breaths between sets
Dips 8 x 7.5Kg
1 Arm curl 10 x 12Kg
Decided to split the alternate curl and press today for more focus on the individual areas.
Today’s session
Leg press 20, 12, 6 x 125Kg
1 Arm low cable row 7, 5 x 36 Kg
Cale pullover 2 x 36Kg drop to 2 x 33Kg, got the weight totally wrong 8 x 23Kg
Chest press 5, 10 breaths, 1 x 53Kg
Seated press 12, 10 breaths, 4 x 20 Kg
I’m thinking of opening my own gym, I’m going to call it Phonies, it will have benches and a range of machines but no weights, even the machines won’t have weight stacks (which will reduce my costs). I’ll charge a membership purely for people to come in and sit on the equipment while using their phones, hopefully this will keep them out of the gym I use (and the one you use) and given how many people do this I should make a fortune. Rant over.