thought this was cool enough to share.Roger a 9yr old red kangaroo,crushes metal buckets for fun…
They always look like they need to bench more.
[quote]Nards wrote:
They always look like they need to bench more.[/quote]
sweet traps though.
Looks like he’s got a bit of Palumboism going on around the midsection. Shame.
If Roger is going to post for advice he really needs to read over the requirements. Atleast show the wheels, Kangaroos these days…its like they don’t even try.
Do they make shoes for Roos? If so we need one stat so I can estimate his BF%.
Sick Paws BROOOO!!!
First I was like, kangaroos have no belly buttons !?!
The I was like, you idiot…
[quote]orion wrote:
First I was like, kangaroos have no belly buttons !?!
Then I was like, you idiot…[/quote]
this pic brings back so many memories lol
When he was born everyone called him “Joey.”
As a teen, he preferred “Joe.”
As an adult, he only answers to “Joseph.”
He walks to the gym everyday with a spring in his step.
The gym is just a hop, skip, and jump away from Joseph’s home.
When his trainer says, “jump,” Joseph asks, “how high?”
Due to his strict dedication to his training, he’s making progress by leaps and bounds.