Damn impressive. This is what all women’s cardio should look like.[/quote]
Thanks! It did sort of feel like cardio.
[quote]Spock81 wrote:
YEAH, really awesome front squattin’! I was happy the other day to get 95 x 3, ha-ha. I find the bar on my neck makes it hard to breath so I can never tough it out for high reps, you ever have that problem??[/quote]
Thanks Spock!
I used to have issues with that. I’d sort of choke myself out and end up coughing in the middle of my sets. It got better. I don’t really that I have trouble breathing, I just have a tendency to drive the bar into my neck so hard that I nearly black out now. This usually only happens when I going heavy (like, 1-3 reps heavy) or if the reps are really high. If I take a second to sort of let the bar down and get a big breath or two I usually do ok.
treadmill: 15 min, incline, walking at snail’s pace
I like this workout a lot. Going to steal it and murder the wonder twins with it on tuesday after we squat.[/quote]
I liked it too. Will probably swap natty ghr for some sort of ham curl or something though. If we had the proper equipment I’d keep them but I think I might get better results with something I can slow down and really feel rather then simply trying not to fall over.
[quote]yolo84 wrote:
what is your height and weight?
200 x 18 DL is a great lift.[/quote]
Less than 130 at 5’3.
Thanks. I set my DL training max immediately post show and thought it would be kinda light but perfect for 5/3/1. But I am starting to think maybe I could have started a little heavier. Oh well. It will increase again soon enough.
[quote]Stronghold wrote:
Ay gurl lemme get you numba[/quote]
[quote]HARA wrote:
200x18 is pretty awesome…I will be following[/quote]
Thanks! And welcome!
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
How do you do your assisted NGHRs? Using a band or something?[/quote]
Not very well. lol.
We don’t have a GHR (I can do those no problem) but Stronghold discovered that you can get in the seated calf raise backwards and use it to anchor your feet. I use a broomstick/bodybar like the guy in the video below. I wish there was a way to anchor a band to something because I would definitely prefer that method.
I don’t think I’m going to mess with them much because I felt like I need to use too much assistance for it to really be effective. Then again, there are parts of my hams that are sore that I didn’t even know I had, and I’m sure getting to the point to where I can do a controlled negative would count as good progress. I guess the jury is still out on this one…
Got going on bench. Decided I had to pee after the first set with 95. Got back and went to do what I thought was my set with 105. I was stoked when I got going and it was flying up. Then I got up and realized I never changed the freakin weight! Pissed. Threw on the nickels with the intention of at least hitting the required reps with the required weight but decided I’d do a few extra too.
Need to start going a little heavier on rear delts.
I’m not even sure how I’m getting all of these reps. I wonder if I can convince SH to let me go for some maxes at the end of this training cycle.
I also think I need to go heavier on some of the “accessory work”. I haven’t totally adapted to the post-show strength and sometimes simply pick the wrong weight.
I hope that you do test your maxes at some point. I’m really curious to know what they are when you rep something like 18 and 19 times.
Question for you about 5/3/1: Did you find that you progressed much better with your squat and DL than you did with your upper lifts? I didn’t have any trouble with lower but with say bench, I would have to reset that sometimes with much frustration.
[quote]Jackie_Jacked wrote:
I hope that you do test your maxes at some point. I’m really curious to know what they are when you rep something like 18 and 19 times.
Question for you about 5/3/1: Did you find that you progressed much better with your squat and DL than you did with your upper lifts? I didn’t have any trouble with lower but with say bench, I would have to reset that sometimes with much frustration. [/quote]
I’m curious too. Based on 1RM predictions, my front squat would be close to 200 and DL around 300. I don’t think those are particularly accurate when the reps start getting that high, and I do have the typical “girl problem” of being able to hit something for several reps easy and then adding a little weight and barely being able to squeak out a rep or two. But even if I get close to those numbers, we’re talking about some shiny new PRs.
Yes. On squat and DL I’ve been able to make 10lb jumps pretty regularly. Sometimes 5, but don’t remember ever really having to reset. Upper has pretty much always been 5lb jumps and repeated training maxes. OHP especially.
Its hard for me to compare what I’m doing now to what I was doing a few months ago because I was on a prep diet, but it still seems like my lower lifts have taken off, whereas the upper have just been consistently creeping up.
I see I’m in good company then. Yes, OHP sucks balls for increasing weight.
You are damn strong though if you could get a 200 pound FS at what, 130 pounds?
Thanks for answering questions. I mostly just read in silence here while my husband and I plan my postpartum bootcamp that apparently commences in a few weeks. lol I plan on stealing some things from your log to try and if I ended up looking half as good as you do, I’d be thrilled and probably die happy.
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
How do you do your assisted NGHRs? Using a band or something?[/quote]
Not very well. lol.
We don’t have a GHR (I can do those no problem) but Stronghold discovered that you can get in the seated calf raise backwards and use it to anchor your feet. I use a broomstick/bodybar like the guy in the video below. I wish there was a way to anchor a band to something because I would definitely prefer that method.
I don’t think I’m going to mess with them much because I felt like I need to use too much assistance for it to really be effective. Then again, there are parts of my hams that are sore that I didn’t even know I had, and I’m sure getting to the point to where I can do a controlled negative would count as good progress. I guess the jury is still out on this one…
Hah. I do them on the ground in a cage. A barbell to hold your feet and a band attached to the rack for assistance. It’s kinda awkward and takes time just to set up though, but it works. And you can adjust assist by changing bands or moving the choke point.