I thought I’d start this log so I could stop hi-jacking TX Hawkeyes thread about GHRP-6! And also so I could keep an easily accessible record of my training an eating.
I’ve basically arrived at the point when I cannot really progress any further without help. thats why I’m here and have started this log.
I am a lanky ectomorph. I’ve been training for ten years now, I started off 140LB@6.2 foot: In 2010 I started 5/3/1 and reached my all time highest weight (and all time highest strength, which wasn’t that much for me but still) of 230LB.
I was eating so much that I lost count of the time I spent sick and remember spending more time ill (upset stomach etc) than any other year of my life
Each time I’d get ill I’d end up back down to 210-215 and would work my way back up then get ill again. I explained the situation to BBB who advised me to eat 2 chocolate bars pre workout in order to protect my glycogen stores. I was slightly skeptical and hadn’t eaten any chocolate for over 2 years but I proceeded and got my 5 kg of muscle back in around 5 weeks, AND lost some fat, and have had no trouble maintaining 230LB ever since.
The goal now as I mentioned in TX’s thread was to hit 240LB before the end of November which is looking unlikely now as I am fluctuating between 228-232LB. I thought the next best step would be to start logging all of my workouts, meals and supplements so that I hopefully receive some constructive feedback and advice.
My latest nutritional protocol is this (although I forgot the Anaconda today LOL)
Pre workout 1 hour: protein shake 50g protein, fiber, flaxseed, MCT oil
Pre workout: 1x rockstar energy drink (sugary) 2-3 snickers bars
peri workout: Anaconda drink
PWO: shake as above
PWO 1 hour: meal i.e chicken and whole grain rice in pasta sauce, or if I’m mega busy a large sandwich or another shake perhaps with oats in if I feel I ‘need’ the carbs.
In order to crank up the calories I’ve been eating pizza and beefburger, which is helping and so far, not increasing my BF.
I have a few pictures in my HUB (sorry, don’t know how to remove the attention whore butt pics) which are just a few I’ve taken myself (my GF asks me to send them to her) I’ve never been lean as in six pack lean and though I have no intention of getting fat I’m prepared to gain a little more fat if I can get to 240LB, then, I’d like to get to 250LB and diet down until I’m lean-as in-visible abs lean; thats the plan for now anyway.
I took this picture about a week ago, its not very flattering on the waist but I’m lean enough to see my hips. I’ve only had my BF measured twice in my life, when I was 24 it was 20% @230LB (I was a fat fuck when I got back from backpacking) then at 225-230LB a few years ago I was 13%, as I said I’ve never significantly broken past the 230LB and stayed there, I’d like this to change.