Standing on those aerobic stepper thingies is the best option. If the gym doesn’t have those, I’ve tried standing on stacked plates -there is a risk of not being that stable it you need to stack more than 2.
THANK YOU!!! I will do this! I have tried standing on plates and I agree that its weird and unstable under my feet. The steps I can defiantly get a hold of at 24 hour!
stepmill x 20 mins
arm bike x 5 mins
You’re welcome! When I was in a gym with those dumb flat-sided plates, I would sometimes “deadlift” in the power rack using the steppers -yes, I obsessively measured the height to make sure it was comparable to deadlifting off the floor!
I don’t blame you one bit! The hex plates suck to deadlift!
last night a set of 10 pull ups
log clean once strict press reps empty (75#) x 10 x 4 sets, 75# x 8 x 2 sets
pull ups x 10
viking press empty reps per grip 10/10/10
pull ups x 8
viking press plus 20# 8/5/5
pull ups x 6
viking press empty middle grip x 10
gym stuff
4 rounds of:
- t bar carry 185-195 x 570 feet ( first round no drops, 2nd 1 regrip, 3rd 2 regrips, 4th 3 regrips)
- babrell upright rows empty bb x 5-8
- cable shrugs x 20
4 rounds of:
- walking lunges 25 per leg
- t bar carry 185-195 x 180 feet
- slow facepulls x 15-20
1 set of rope pull downs slow x 20
1 set of rear delt machine x 20
Malibu Walk! We encountered a very large stag yesterday morning…and home boy did not move on. I wasn’t about to get gored and the minute I saw how confident and proud this big boy was me and my girl SKEEEDADDLLED!
My only picture. I have never seen a stag on our walks, I do see plenty of ladies and they are instantly uplifting when they jump and float away all gracefully! Homeboy stag though, this guy was real regal.
fs 45x10, 135x3, 170x3, 180x8x3 sets
smith machien 1 1/2 back squats wt added ot bar 0x3, 50x3, 80x3, 105x12x3 sets
full zercher squats 45x8, 95x8, 115x8, 135x8
barbell on back bulgarians warm up wts and figuring out a setup then 95x8/leg x 3 sets
pull thrus x 33 ss bw reverse alternating lunges x 25 reps /leg then bw squats x 25
pull thrus heavier x 33 ss reverse alternating lunges with 10’s in each hand x 25 reps/leg then squats with 10’s in hand x 25
pull thrus heavier x 20 ss reverse alternating lunges 25’s in each hand x 25 rep/leg then bw squats x 25
walking lunges holding a soft 12# med ball upfront x 25 reps/leg
I am happy that yesterday’s log work did not make my back upset. I had a small fear that it would, but it didn’t. I think I figured out the cause of my back being angry last week and its probably the sandbags at home–the extension is fine yet since its in my apartment I don’t drop them down but guide them slowly to the floor. I think this is a bad idea on wt’s over 150#.
Means I’ll be picking sandbags ( rdls) in my house if its heavy and not doing a full extensions. I am still too afraid to use the platform and drop them own, at least not at 3am when I typically do my sand bag stuff. I’m not an asshole neighbor.
That’ll have to be saved for when I can figure out a place to do that. I think I might even get some covers or something for the bags and us them ii the field when the weather is better for outdoor stuff. I need covers because its goose poop city out in that field!
No big deal. I will practice technique with light bags and wait for the right set up to try maximal wt again. I can always get stronger if I “lose” my previous abilities.
Wednesday I went and visited my family and talked about a bunch of stuff with my twin and my Mom. I’ve been unpacking a lot about my personal history the last 6 months. Things I never digested completely because I didn’t have the ability to do that then. I had to get through it putting time and personal accomplishment in between the stuff I am not very proud of. Learning about what I was dealing with as well.
In the news with Jeffry Epstein and R. Kelly especially , from the girls stories I have a lot I can relate to. I say in my mind “Me too!” These guys were very different and also very similar to my own experiences. Things I never shared with anyone , or things I shared with only 3 people I now want spit out alot, I don’t want to shut up about it.
I didn’t know where to go with what I wanted to tell. I know I don’t want to keep it in anymore. I started with my twin who was the first to know about 11 years ago. Now I can tell my Mom. Part of why I want to share is because I have finally after all this time fully seen what I was dealing with. The level of dark manipulation. Its really like a mist has disappeared and I’m seeing it all for what it really was.
So I had a big cry out at my parents. I used the gate way of asking if they though Epstein killed himself–which I think he did because he was a cowardly piece of shit who demands control at all times. I told them how it upset me this meme…I get the idea of it , but for me I also don’t want this guy to get any extra mystique–he doesn’t deserve it. He was a low, piece of shit monster who took advantage of people who were weak and exploited them like they were trash. He doesn’t deserve anything. He wasn’t smart, he wasn’t some great wiz at anything. He was lower then low. No sophistication, no intrigue. No sympathy. He was not some fancy spy.
For a long time I had that same thought in my mind over my own experiences. I looked at the man who hurt me as someone with a problem and who was sick. For me I felt sorry for him.
I thought he was a guy who did bad things because he had a serious problem too–so I felt for his soul. I felt pain and sorrow for someone who had that cross to bare , someone who was thirsty to hurt people to fulfill some sick need.
I thought thinking that way was a higher form of though, that I could see the humanity in a person and acknowledge their suffering…then I sat and realized NO. At a certain point the damage is done and there is no going back. What if they don’t suffer-- what if they like it?
At a certain point- LAST WEEK!- I recognized what I had been doing to myself and had been for 15 years. I had heard what others had happen to them only a couple years ago by the person who hurt me and I was so disgusted that I ever knew this person.
Monday after walking Malibu, in my kitchen I REALIZED, " He did worse to me 15 YEARS ago. Me."
I am only seeing this now, four days ago, really seeing it. I was so disgusted and enraged by what he had done to other people I didn’t know at all ( to be clear, what he did no one deserves to have happen to them – its all awful, its all awful) to someone else, when I had personal experience of it myself by him. And after he did what he did to me, I felt sorry for him?? It took him hurting OTHERS for me to see he was what he is! When he did it to me!
It was the same thing. The same lesson I didn’t learn. My sister a few years ago was talking to me after I had a break up and I decided to take the guy back. I listed all the good things about the guy when there had been a serious issue that had made me break up with him. I had already dumped him before for a related issue to begin with, disrespect.
I kept saying , “He’s a good man and he’s sorry. I feel so bad that he feels bad, he really feels bad he did that” And she looked at me like I was nuts and said “You feel bad for Him?? What about YOU?? He hurt you!”
Anywho. The mists have moved on. And I’m looking back at myself from years ago and I feel so bad for her ( My old self). That old me. I didn’t care about myself then and I defiantly do now. I care about myself so much more. I’ve cried for that old me at my Mom’s house Wednesday and it drained my CNS!
I didn’t cry for her then when it was happening, I cried for some guy who had " a cross to bare". who was “a lost soul.” I kept dragging and clinging that idea that there was goodness when …he had done some much bad to me. He is a monster. He doesn’t deserve my pity.
I’m going to put that all to bed very soon…but I keep remembering bits and pieces and seeing them in the real light of day and not the shadows of manipulation, shame and secrets. I am so glad I have people I can talk to who knew me before, during, and know me now. It feels so good to let it out to people who have my back 100%.
Disrespect and put downs are not violence or cheating, they do all lead to the same dark road that I went down in my marriage. That road ends in nothing but destruction and a living hell- they never lead anywhere good, Ever. I will never feel sorry for another man for hurting me ever again. Any guy who has to explain that he’s a good guy is not.
Stepmill x 20 mins
arm bike x 7 mins
2 rope facepulls x 25 ss normal facepulls x25 x 4 sets
misc high rows with the rope
oh triceps x 50
rope climber machine x 5 mins
ski erg? I think? x 1 min
Yesterday was a banner day at my house! Not one, but 2 of my sisters tried out my log!!! I don’t know why I was surprised since all of my family are pretty strong, yet they both managed a strict press of it empty (75#) which impressed me!! One the first try, took to it right away! THIS IS WONDERFUL!!
My twin also is learning now to weld. OH MY GAHHHH!:)!!!
HA HA! :D!!! YES!
I am also so excited about today’s Arnold!! There is a live stream! :D! HOOOO!!!
For sure Martins is My Second Favorite Strongman , yes…but I really do want Brian to win. I think it’d be awesome! We’ll see! Shaw has a strange voice today so maybe he’s sick…ugh I hope not. either way I can’t wait to nerd out watching the show!
Oh man…Shaw is not going to make it. No idea who will win but event one he looked poor… AHHH!! HA HA!
I’m having a lot of fun with Malibu watching this!! I woke her up hooting over the Canadian who surprised everyone !
Another surprise!!! WOW! Shaw is not going to win. Something is up. NERD FAN TIME: why was he wearing pants for farmers? Also I’ve noticed on the last few competitions his eye lids are red and swollen. I’m assuming this is due to some type of contest day PED but I don’t know. Since typically his eyes don’t look that way on his youtube videos. Such a shame…but its a great show!
LOG TIME: Excited and amped up pull ups at home between watching event 2: 10,8,7
I posted this 4 days ago…before I (and probably 90% of strongman fans) had ever heard of Maxime Boudreault!!!
OH MY GOD!!! This is so exciting!!
I didn’t have time to watch live yesterday but watched it all this morning. The bag over bar looked like something I need in my life… lol
If you have the land, do it! It can’t be that hard to set up since you already have the skills to make the bar to throw over!! I think that’d be a hard thing to master!
pull ups x10
fs 45x10, 135x3, 170, 185x8x3 sets
slow fs 135x5x3 sets
walking lunges 25 reps/leg waiting for liquid chaulk to dry on my hands
4 rounds of:
- tbar carry 185-195# x 570 feet fast speed first 3 rounds, 2nd round on had regrips/drops, last round 180 feet
- rogue rows slow x 6
- landmine shrugs slow x 6
- smith machine upright rows slow x 10
- slow facepulls x 12
- rear delts x 15
smith machine 1 1/2 back squats warmed up to do 90# added to bar x 30 ss walking lunges x 25 reps/leg
smith machine 1 1/2 back squats 110#x 10 ss bw reverse alternate lunges x 25 reps/leg
cable shrugs x 20 x 2 sets
high facepulls x 15 x 2 sets
oh press the tbar 5 press/5 oh steps, 4/4,3/3,2/2,1/1
reverse alternating lunges holding 25# plates x 25 rep/leg
some misc kb stuff- bell up oh press, lateral raises, front raises, delt stuff
Cool! I forgot to log that my legs were STILL sore yesterday for my stuff on Friday ! This is fabulous! This means I’m doing work. The strongman show Saturday was great too, did some pull ups and some l-sit pull ups during the breaks in the events!
As for pull ups, I need to figure out a good day to do them. I think I need some space between. I am going for a few days of 10 reps, 8 reps, pull ups hear and there. My left bicep ligament or whatever has quieted down. I’ve also changed my grip so its somewhat of a different lift.
dead lifts 45x10, 135x2, 185x2, 225, 255, 285, 300x7x3 sets
rdls with 25’s 95x5, 145x12, 185x12, 195x12, 215x10
rack pulls just below the knee 135x2, 185x2, 225x2, 275x2, 315x3, 245x2 x 2 sets
pull thrus x20 ss clean grip first 2 sets, bar on back last set reverse alternating lunges 95# x 5 reps/leg x 3 sets
csr 2 x12
rope pull downs misc sets 5-20
row machine x a bit
tricep machine x 100 reps
rope climber machine x 2 mins
I saw this video sunday.
Are you kidding me!!! I really did not have that clear of idea how big of a change PED’s have on people–the chart he shows with the study about the group who took testosterone and did NOTHING (!) gaining 4 pounds of muscle floored me! No way, no way can you ever compare yourself to someone who used PEDs, they are a whole other species!
WOW! Until about 5 years ago I had no idea how common it is. I worked out at a local body builder gym and I assumed these people all looked that way because the busted their ass. They did bust ass and work hard, but MAN, that is a massive advantage. MASSIVE! There is no way you can ever even compare. As a women is even more of a stark difference.
I also am shocked when I see lifters SMOKE! Or chew??? What are you doing??? Or now that I know a little bit more hear about people doing cocaine and then going crazy on the lifts. Its so counter to what in my mind exercise is all about–being healthier! Everyone has their reasons and not everyone goes about lifting in the same way , but smoking???
I can see their reasons, and whatever, do what you want …however do not ever try and compare natural vs not! That video astonished me!
Last night after work and Malibu walk ( I "ran/jog’ 1/2 a mile of that to see if I could) , a set of 10 pull ups
log clean and strict press reps empty/75# x5, 85x5,90x4,95x3
91x4x3 sets, 91x2
pull ups x8
log clean and strict press each rep ss 5 pull ups empty/75# x5 , 75x6,75x7,75x10
log clean and push press reps 75x5 ss 5 pull ups, 85x5 ss 5 pull up, 90x5, 95x5, 105x2, 115
landmine shrugs 40# on bar x 1 min rest 30 seconds then again x 5 rounds
viking press 5 reps each grip wt added 0,10,20, 25, 25
misc lateral raises x 10, rear delts x 10, front raises x10 wt used 2.5#,5, 10
stepmill x 20 mins
arm bike x 5 mins
face pulls high height 10 sets of 10
cable shrugs 2 x 25
rear delt machine x 100
smith machine uprish rows x 10 ss smith machine snatch grip high pulls x 10 x 5 sets each
smith machine shrugs x 10-15/arm
ski erg x 1 min or so
Malibu Walk
Changing it up! I think I need more conditioning. I going to try and get out for some carries too. Not sure if I’ll go later today or another time this weekend and I have a bunch of stuff to do. One is to share this lil turkey I met at work!
She gave everyone kisses and wet willies and well as singing the cry of her frenchie people…and she also has giardia! No Montezuma’s Revenge so far for me!
Awwwwww… heart melting. What a face!
fs 45x10, 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 190x6x4 sets
slow fs 140x4x4 sets
frankenstein squats 60#x 20, 80# x 15
smith machine 1 1/2 back squats worked up to wt added to bar 110x13x4 sets, 130x8
smith machine lunges 4 reps left leg/4 right/4 left/4 right then added 50# x 8 back squats x 3 sets wt’s used first set for lunges 40, then 50 , then 60
bw walking lunges while liquid chalk dried 50 reps/leg
t bar carry 165-175# x slow pace aiming for time of around 5 mins. Did first 570 feet no drops, then regrip every 90 feet for a grand total of 1080 feet
high face pulls x 15 then oh triceps x 15 the triceps ext x 15 x 4 sets added 10 # each time, then same but 10 reps each
pull thrus x 40 ss bw reverse altering lunges x 25 reps /leg
pull thrus x 50
Malibu Walk! Biofeed back from yesterdays push presses is don’t do them! To hard on my back. AS well as my lil running jaunt of a whole 1/2 a mile was not nice on my knees! It was concrete and spur of the moment.
Whatever! I mainly wanted to see if I had the stamina- I think I do- for a 9 min mile. I don’t think I’ll test it again. I’ve build my body for other things rather then running, if shit hit the fan I know I can sprint and get away.
I’ll save my knees for THAT occasion instead and work conditioning in with stuff that’s easier on my knees and bigger legs. Running means a fire is staring as my tender fleshy inner thighs rub together and get raw!
My body composition these days is a more marbled meat. General marbled meat everywhere of fat/muscle combo. Not lean, not excessively fat, MARBLED!
Stepmill x 18 mins
Tricep machine x100 reps
Rope climber machine x6 mins
Arm bike x6 mins
Malibu Walk!
I’m doing some finagling at my house. I think the landmine for the Viking press is easier on my lumbar spine if I raised the pivot point. I’m not an engineer so that might be the wrong term. I mean having the bar less at an angle.
I want to use it for shoulder/chest accessory work and not for the other stuff. I tried putting it on my loading platform and used a farmers handle since it’s shorter than an oly bar to connect the viking press part to it. It felt way better.
The platform has a hole in the middle that the landmine setup is sitting in with the 25# plate. I want to figure out a way to wedge that thing in more securely or add a washer or something to make it more secure because the wt of the bar and the attachment causes the whole thing to fly up and out once you let go.
It’s manageable for me to put the bar with the Viking attachment on it into the landmine thing empty but extra wt could be tricky. I’m giving that puzzle to my twinnie to see if she has any solutions!
In the mean time it’s better then nothing! The difference in the height feels much better. Just means more reps of lighter wt.
Did some be bulgarians at home yesterday a total of 10x10 each leg. Slightly sore in my leggies! Another good work day!