Brute's Book

How long ago was it that you got down to 165? Maybe your body is trying to adjust and get back strength at this weight?

hey MiM!!
ah,nah. its been a while for my weight change, and even then it wasn’t that big of drop. more like getting rid of fluff. I’m usually this size fairly naturally as long as i’m lifting weights.

i luckily have gotten rid of the weight that my body was fighting to put on in the first place-- but the amount of binging i was doing gave it little choice. Once i got that under control, it was pretty straight forward weight loss.

i think i’ve just been distracted from training my squat… which is a good thing for me :)i get so set in a rut and put a lot of pressure on myself for ridiculous reasons for so many things in my life…that no one else cares about nor help make the world a better place in any way…i don;t know if i’d call them self centered,more like, well ruts.

its been nice to have other things to get excited about without a lot of inane arbitrary goals.

i say that as i GRIND my teeth in frastration! ha!

Have you noticed the relationship between your squat and bench numbers and the enthusiasm you show for each? You don’t even bother to write down your bench workout, that’s how little you care about it. I bet if you’d force yourself to have even half the interest in your upper body as you have in your lower you could put up some really big numbers!

Brute: I put a lot of pressure on myself too. And have been guilty of setting “inane and arbitrary goals.” That can be both a good and a bad thing. But if something is important to you–it’s important. Regardless of what other’s may think of it. And even if it doesn’t make the world a better place. Challenging yourself, setting goals, and going after them makes you a better person. Too many people go through life never reaching for anything. Always afraid to try.

Your training is impressive. Whatever it is you seek. Keep after it.

I’m now lifting with you on the 4th. Don’t ask. I’ll just say that I can’t keep my schedule straight.

And since I’m lifting with you . . . Be scared. Be very scared of me.

bobbi–oh yeah,you are quite correct. i know i don’t give the gross benching its dues. i confess that i do act like a bit of a baby and don’t go after it because its difficult.

i have given it some effort–well more then before. i didn’t write the last bench workout’s numbers down because it was just ridiculously scattered and lame. but i have been keeping track of my bench the last few months and it has improved…but not as much as it could.

but my arms are way weak…bleh.

hey nadia! thanks!! :wink:

SNAPPER! hooooray!! so we’re lifting buddies!! i am afraid! and very excited!

Brute is very long limbed for a PLer. I am not suprised at all by her deadlift, but usually a good deadlifter is a so-so squatter. She is a GREAT squatter. She has these loooong gorgeous arms and legs, so I’m not surprised by her bench difficulties. She also carries a lot of muscle on her bottom half, and is much smaller up top.

Her bench will probably always be her weakest lift. But every lifter has one nemesis lift. Mine is the deadlift. I’d gladly trade my t-rex arms and decent bench for her deadlifting skill!

can we keep talking about her like shes not here? i think thats kinda neat.

oh thanks for reminding me that i have very few excuses for missing the gym as much as i have.


[quote]CBear84 wrote:
can we keep talking about her like shes not here? i think thats kinda neat. [/quote]

CBear’s got a nice booty. So does Brute.

Quitcherbichin and do what you suck at dude! No excuses!

I have long ass limbs too. Not even close to built for this sport. No boo-hooing about that. I only give you shit because I like you :wink:

[quote]Bobbi Miller wrote:
Quitcherbichin and do what you suck at dude! No excuses!

I have long ass limbs too. Not even close to built for this sport. No boo-hooing about that. I only give you shit because I like you ;)[/quote]

Yeah, if I gotta train my bench, so do you, you pussy. No one has longer arms than I.

[quote]Bobbi Miller wrote:
Quitcherbichin and do what you suck at dude! No excuses!

I have long ass limbs too. Not even close to built for this sport. No boo-hooing about that. I only give you shit because I like you ;)[/quote]

Yeah, if I gotta train my bench, so do you, you pussy. No one has longer arms than I.

brute’s got a new log.

meet’s coming up… you’re gonna smash it!!!

make those legs work for ya on the bench. =+)

let’s play wing measurement! what’s urs??

Isn’t there some rule that you’re supposed to do what you hate?

Brute, when you feel like your bench sucks, I give you permission to think about my sucky bench to motivate you.

[quote]kpsnap wrote:

[quote]Bobbi Miller wrote:
Quitcherbichin and do what you suck at dude! No excuses!

I have long ass limbs too. Not even close to built for this sport. No boo-hooing about that. I only give you shit because I like you ;)[/quote]

Yeah, if I gotta train my bench, so do you, you pussy. No one has longer arms than I.[/quote]

I don’t know. I’m going to throw my hat into the long arm, shit bench ring.

Brute, btw, if you are grinding your teeth literally and not just figuratively when you lift, get a mouth guard. I just got one and I love the crap out of it. Having a piece of plastic to bite down on when you’re maxing seems to make it easier. Isn’t that why people used to bite a piece of leather in the old days for pain? Anyhoo, it’s got to be a lot better for the teeth.

hey PMPM! I appreciate your words of consolation…however as for my squat … NOT SO HOT.:{ I 've lost track of my squat over the last few months and its…messy. I’m fairly fearful that i’m going to show up with some awful form at the meet. seriously.

today just reiterated that fact. I messed about with some fairly standard warm ups. true it was after work so i was sorta tired but not hot. not hot at all. I’m higher then Moses on the Mountain with relatively routine wts.

HEY CBEAR!! :smiley: good to see you and that booty!..and thanks for reminding me of my awful bench–because yours is incredible…sigh…I’ll be envious of that for a long time :frowning: but :wink: at the same time.

hey Snapper!I know! if you can train it i freaking should. but i’ve become a bit of a softie in the last few months. I’m sorta going thru a hippie phase of non struggle lifestyle. I’m sure it will run its course, its very strange for me.

Bobbi! I know! I like you quite a lot! You’re more then welcome to give me shit anytime :)!

Hey Nikki!!—> you’re bench is NOTHING to be shamed of…at all! Your log is always full of freakin accomplishments,you’re a bad ass :)!!

hey O! WORD. Monkey arms UNITE. Luckily i don’t clench my teeth when i do stuff because i’d be a bloody mess…i stick my tongue out instead. A lot. In fact its a pretty standard protocol for me when i’m trying to do two things at once as well. tongue out and about.

hey deja!!! its good to see you!! and i’ve only just realized the leg thing :{

blush ;D

You’ll do fine at the meet, just rest and take it easy if you have to.

:)@ Nikki :slight_smile:

today was pretty non-eventful in the first degree. I figured it would be, just a long night at work where everyone was complaining and bitching so a fairly cool day turns sour by moaners…fellow coworkers who have total points but still, bitching gets old.

My usual Monday Deadlift party I had a feeling wasn’t going happen. I did mess with some maxes though for fun at RMLC. after all that dabbling i ended up doing some ss at 24hour.30 mins of not a entire wash.

deadlifts bar,135,185,225,245,265, 285,305, failure at 325
squats --these ones were good–bar , 135, 185,225,245, 265. Iffie 275. I’m going to have to squat everyday to remind my bad form to get the hell out.

I’m going to eat my spagetti squash and watch Harry Potter dvds and pass the fuck out in about an hour… OH MY GOD am I so excited for the movie…I want to wait as long as i can until i go to the theaters.