Brute Strength Gym's Highlander Challenge

PROMOTER: brute strength gym
DATE: april 10, 2010
TIME: 11:00 AM

LOCATION: Brute strength gym
836 Poplar Hall Drive
Norfolk, VA 23502

HOTEL: Holiday Inn Express and Suites 757-455-5055
1157 N. Military Highway
Norfolk, VA 23502

WEIGH-INS Friday April 9th 5pm â?? 8pm
Saturday April 10 8am-10am

RULES: 10:30

DIVISIONS: LW under 200,MW 201 UP TO 250, HW(251lb. and above),
Master, (over 40) TEENAGER,WOMEN


  1. weight over bar
  2. yolk/tire flip medley
  3. braemar stone
  4. carry and drag medley

Events subject to change without notice - (Event Details Below)

AWARDS: Custom Awards for 1st - 3rd in each division
NAHA MEMBERSHIP: Competitors must be member of NAHA $25.00
ENTRY DEADLINE: March 20-th ,2010

WEIGHT OVER BAR: The weight is a steel or lead weight (with a bell, spherical or cylindrical shape) attached to a metal circular handle. The weight is thrown one-handed over a bar set at increasing heights above the thrower. The thrower has three attempts for each successive height. The highest throw over the bar will be scored.
TEENAGER/MASTERS/LW throw 42 lb weight
MW/HW throw 56 lb. weight
Female athletes throw 28 lb. weight
The classic technique swings the weight between the legs before pulling the weight up and directly overhead.(one handed) . Spinning motion, is not allowed .
YOLK/TIRE FLIP MEDLEY: Competitors have 90 seconds to walk Yolk 50â?? and flip tire 3-5 times Lifter is judged on total time from start to finish. At the end of 90 seconds the lifter is judged on split time on the last completed implement and any distance covered by the first incompleted implement.

Yolk weight Teenage/Masters/LW /MW 500#
Hvy Men 700#
Women: 221#

Tire Flip MASTERS/LW 380# flip tire 5 X (IF AVAILABLE 500# TIRE WILL BE USED FLIP 3X)
MW/HW Men 700# Flip tire 5X
Teenage/Women: 380# flip tire 3 x
BRAEMAR STONE : Competitor will get three attempts to put stone. The farthest put will be scored. (not allowed any run up to the toeboard,or spinning, it is a standing put)
Men : 24#
Women/Teenage: 16#
CARRY AND DRAG MEDLEY: Competitors have 90 seconds to carry 3 implements 50â?? and drag 50â??. Must sprint 50â?? and carry implements back to start line, load into barrel Must then drag barrel 50â?? to the other end. Lifter is judged on total time from start to finish. At the end of 90 seconds the lifter is judged on split time on the last completed implement and any distance covered by the first incomplete implement. Only chalk is allowed. Implements will include:
Sand Bags: Men 200#
Women/Teenage/Masters 100#
Power Stairs Implement Men 175#
Women 100#
Anchors Weights To Be Announced

Event changes! Carry & drag medley and yoke/ tire medley. See below!

Brute strength gym highlander challenge
(North American Highlander Association, Inc. Membership Required of all Competitors)

PROMOTER: brute strength gym
DATE: april10, 2010
TIME: 11:00 AM

LOCATION: Brute strength gym
836 Poplar Hall Drive
Norfolk, VA 23502

HOTEL: Holiday Inn Express and Suites Savannah Suites
757-455-5055 866-367-2766
1157 N. Military Highway 11715 B Jefferson Ave
Norfolk, VA 23502 Norfolk, VA 23606

WEIGH-INS Friday April 9th 5pm â?? 8pm
Saturday April 10 8am-10am

RULES: 10:30

DIVISIONS: LW under 200,MW 201 UP TO 250, HW(251lb. and above),
Master, (over 40) TEENAGER,WOMEN


  1. weight over bar
  2. yolk/tire flip medley
  3. braemar stone
  4. carry and drag medley

Events subject to change without notice - (Event Details Below)

AWARDS: Custom Awards for 1st - 3rd in each division
NAHA MEMBERSHIP: Competitors must be member of NAHA $25.00
ENTRY DEADLINE: March 20-th ,2010

836 Poplar Hall Drive
Norfolk, VA 23502 757-893-9111
(Stella Krupinski VA State Chairman)

In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and my assignees, waive and release all rights and damages I may have against the Brute Strength Gym Highlander Challenge, D.J. Satterfield, Richard Vincent, North American Highlander Association, Inc., any and all sponsors of the event, their representatives and assigns, for any and all injuries incurred by me in conjunction with these championships and in traveling to and from the event. And in further consideration of permission being granted to me to participate in the Brute Strength Gym Highlander Challange and its related events, I hereby grant North American Highlander Association, Inc. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents, successors, licensees and assigns, the right to photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance and name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/or otherwise exploit any and all media, including without limitation, by means of still photography, motion pictures, radio, television, television motion pictures, video, printing or any other medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising and/or publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with any of the foregoing. The rights granted by me hereunder are granted for the entire universe and shall endure in perpetuity and no further compensation shall be payable to me at anytime in connection therewith. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate North American Highlander Association, Inc. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to photograph or otherwise reproduce my voice, appearance or name, or to make use of any rights granted herein. I also understand that the aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent. I understand that North American Highlander Association, Inc. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance upon the foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to North American Highlander Association, Inc. and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization hereunder. Therefore I affix my signature below:





WEIGHT OVER BAR: The weight is steel or lead weight (with a bell, spherical or cylindrical shape) attached to a metal circular handle. The weight is thrown one-handed over a bar set at increasing heights above the thrower. The thrower has three attempts for each successive height. The highest throw over the bar will be scored.
TEENAGER/MASTERS/LW throws 42 lb weight
MW/HW throws 56 lb. weight
Female athletes throw 28 lb. weight
The classic technique swings the weight between the legs before pulling the weight up and directly overhead. (one handed). Spinning motion is not allowed.
YOLK/TIRE FLIP MEDLEY: Competitors have 90 seconds to walk Yolk 50â?? and flip tire 3-5 times. Lifter is judged on total time from start to finish. At the end of 90 seconds the lifter is judged on split time on the last completed implement and any distance covered by the first in completed implement.

Yolk weight Teenage/Masters/LW /MW 500#
Hvy. Men 700#
Women: 221#

Tire Flip MASTERS/LW 380# flip tire 5 X (IF AVAILABLE 500# TIRE WILL BE USED FLIP 3X)
MW/HW Men 700# Flip tire 5X
Teenage/Women: 380# flip tire 3 x
BRAEMAR STONE : Competitor will get three attempts to put stone. The farthest put will be scored. (not allowed any run up to the toeboard, or spinning, it is a standing put)
Men: 24#
Women/Teenage: 16#
CARRY AND DRAG MEDLEY: Competitors have 90 seconds to carry 3 implements 50â?? and drag 50â??. Must sprint 50â?? and carry implements back to start line, load into sled, must then drag sled 50â?? to the other end. Lifter is judged on total time from start to finish. At the end of 90 seconds the lifter is judged on split time on the last completed implement and any distance covered by the first incomplete implement. Only chalk is allowed. Implements in order will include:

Power Stairs Implement Men 175#
Women 100#
Sand Bags: Men 200#
Women/Teenage/Masters 100#

Kegs: Masters/LW/MW 154#
Hvy. 200#
Women/Teenage 100#

We have great sponsors for Brute Strength Gym’s highlander challenge! Iron Mind, VPX, and Optimum Nutrition are all aboard! Check out Brute Strength Gym’s FaceBook for member training videos. Itâ??s not too late to come down and get a training session in before the contest.